
Who is stronger you or ain bear cub?

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Who is stronger you or ain bear cub?




  1. Beer

  2. Depends on the bear race and the age of te cub :P

    I would say that a polar bear cub that it's suposed to be my age  would turn me to shreds :}

  3. Aint ever wrestled with no bar cub before; hard tellin

  4. Being a mother with my own little bear cub I would say if another bear cub came between me and MY bear cub, I would be wiping the floor with that other bear cub interloper.

  5. A bear cub?  What age and species? doesn't really matter, I'm a  weakling.  Any bear cub is stronger than me.

  6. My mom.

  7. Basically, just like B. Urlacher #54 thought he could fight Bas Rutten, is how I'd be fighting a bear cub, there's no way I could defeat ain bear cub, no way son.  The bear cub could instantly tear into my right upper quadrant resulting in a massive hepatic lac, tremendous haemoperitoneum and within 5 or 8 minutes I'd be in Class IV hypovolaemic shock (40% exsang.).  I mean, no way, no way would I challenge the fellar, I'd just as soon run, run like the night.

    ADDENDUM:  Unless I had a Tennessee knife, then maybe I could stand a chance, possibly.

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