
Who is that famous italian (I THINK, OR FRENCH) guy? he had like.. his own show, and he wrote a book??

by  |  earlier

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i REALLY thought his name was emil or emilio, but i can't find that anywhere (on google) so maybe it's not that. I CAN'T REMEMBER HIS NAME OMG I NEED HIS NAME




  1. There are MANY Italian/French celebs in this world. Can you be more specific, please?

  2. oh are you talking about emerald?

  3. what kind of show? talk show, cooking show, reality show? the questions a little to vague.

  4. Emeril Lagasse? He's a chef who had a tv show and has written books. He is american, but his dad was french canadian and his mom was portuguese. Emeril cooks Cajun, Creole and French food.

  5. Maurice Chevalier? Heraldo Rivera?

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