
Who is that scruffy looking person with a cup of tea or coffee sitting at there PC who I can see? Is it you?

by  |  earlier

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Is that the washing up over there? I don't like the colour of your chairs. God your place is a mess, When are you going to do some work? I thought some of you said that you didn't smoke? Well what about all those dog ends? That smell. Is that a f**t or your dinner?




  1. I had better change clothes and get the place cleaned up. And, oh no, the f**t casserole must have exploded again!

    "hides cigar in shirt pocket, burns nipple"

  2. I am very scruffy today....but I have a glass of water actually.

    I've just done the washing up in the office actually...needless to say it was my own, but that is neither here nor there.

    My chair is blue & to be honest, I quite like it.

    I've done all my work I have nothing to do now.

    I don't actually smoke, so you've got it wrong there I'm afraid.

    I wish it was my dinner.

  3. Yeah I could do with a shave alright,whats wrong with my brown chairs , I think there fine, it's 'who gives a c**p friday' so I probably won't do any work 2 day, I don't smoke and that smell is my aftershave which is Deisel and all the ladys like it thank you very much

  4. Not me you see, I'm all showered (didn't shave though), washing up all done.

    And it was a f**t!


  5. LOL who is that bored looking wierdo??? IT'S YOU!!!


  6. Judging By Some Of Your Other Recent Questions Darl, You Actually Are Looking In A Mirror And You Don't Like What You See Looking Back!

    You're Wrong Though Darl, You Look Beaut And I'd Be Honoured To Be Seen Out With You!

  7. Babe you're looking at a mirror.

  8. Good morning to you too, pencil.  I'm expecting you to get over here pronto,  there's still a crockpot soaking that needs washed and this floor sure could use a scrubbing.  

    There's a piece of yellow cake with chocolate frosting in it for you. :))  

  9. Its a reflection..

  10. Wow you can smell what my house looks like through your computer screen? thats amazing.

  11. Lol.


    Im in my pjamas (i know! haha).

    Im drinking a cup of water.

    Im listening to AC/DC and Guns n roses.

    Its sunny outside, and i have my backdoor open, and because the computers in the conservatory i can feel the breeze.

    (And i'm sure the neighbours can here my music but owell!) :)

  12. Take a look at yourself first!!!!

  13. Put some clothes on.

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