
Who is the Enemy of the Philippines?

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When they train Philippine soldiers to defend their country,who is the opponent ( besides Abu Sayyaf and MILF)? Who is the external enemy?

Do they teach you to hate some country that can be your enemy?

Like in Arab countries they teach their children to hate America and Israel; in Russia, they teach that Germans are the enemy;in the US,it changes every decade or so.

Who do you hate if any one?




  1. senators, congressmen, the filipinos who elect the estradas.  

  2. For me, the answerer above me (I'd StillpreferNoName)is stupid, plain and simple.  You don't see things in such a close-minded way, look at it in all aspects, dude!

  3. Dude, are you on cr*ck?  How long were you in Russia or the US that you know so much about what they teach children there?  I've lived in both, and don't remember any policy of teaching children to hate anyone.  Russians certainly don't hate Germans and I don't think all Arab children are taught to hate Americans.

    You seem to have some real issues.

    I think soldiers are there for the eventuality that someone attacks, but also to assist with domestic issues and help if natural disasters occur.  They should do a bit more to keep illegal fishing boats from China and Taiwan out of territorial waters though because they are destroying possibly the country's biggest asset.

  4. japan maybe?

    just a guess :p

  5. Papa Chuck is sort of on the right track. But instead of the Filipinos worrying about other countries. They really should look at themselves and try to improve the Philippines some how. It's been far too long to live and be known as such a poor country. I know one thing other countries have no worries about the Philippines at all.  

  6. Philippines is a Catholic  country and though many  are not practicing their religion,  Filipinos uphold the  teaching that  it is a sin to hate anyone,not even your perceived enemy. Filipinos are peace-loving people.  We advocate peace. We want to live in harmony, side by side  with people of other faiths , no matter how  our neighbors beliefs and practices sound weird to us, we just need to  accept, tolerate and respect each other.

    On the "health" point of  view,  it is also not  a good thing to hate because it is a negative feeling. It causes  the heart  to sink into  depression, feelings of heaviness in the chest, wrinkles that would result to  haggard looking face, we all do not want that.

    No, I don't hate anyone. I  am not in favor of GMA , the Marcoses,but I do not  hate  them enough.  Let's say, I  just don't approve of the way, they are/were  running the administration.

  7. During the 80's, you could either be pro-Cory or pro-Marcos. Early this millennium, you could either be pro-Erap or pro-Gloria.Now, almost everyone are against the smole running Malacanang.

    Without further adieu..................................

    I think we can get the point quite well there.

  8. The enemy of the Philippines is the Filipino himself.

    Those that practise, advocate ignore and support the Graft and Corruption, be they politicians or ordinary people, are the real enemies of the State.

    Graft and Corruption is like an insidious cancer that eats away at the moral fibre of the Filipino leaving him and his children and their children no real prospect of a future to look forward to.

    Except for the disputes it has with China, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam over soverignity I do not think the Philippines has any real external enemies at the present time. Its' armies are probably trained more for home defence than offence.

  9. For me, we should HATE MArcos and Imeda and their family, for they are the one who down the Philippines. But the stupid people are still like them and adore them. They just forget what was happen before?

  10. The Armed Forces of the Philippines has a lot of internal and external parties to contend with.  


    We have the New People's Army, the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines.  They are still active in many remote places of the archipelago.

    Coup plotters within the military itself,  in alliance with other sectors of society, or by themselves acting alone.

    Separatists and extremists in the South.

    External :

    The worldwide terrorist network.

    Malaysia and the Philippines have not yet settled the Sabah issue.

    Vietnam, China and others contest the Kalayaan islands (the Spratleys)

    There is always the possibility that Japan may re-arm.

    China may also decide to be adventurous in the region.

    No matter how remote,  the Americans, nay, even Australians may suddenly become enemies for one reason or another.

    Personally,  it is my belief that each sovereign nation maintains its armed forces to protect its national interest against the rest of the world.

  11. Rodents...menace to society.

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