

by Guest60754  |  earlier

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  1. Science's mother's husband

  2. Though your Q' seems to be an essence of playing time to post your whims & wish as a timely random thought... but, it has a fitting answer...  an answer that may set an awakening to many at large enkindling the divine spark of Para:Superior Knowledge

    SCIENCE...  is...  "An Organised Body Of Knowledge"

    KNOWLEDGE... is... An Educative Way To Name & Address GOD.

    GOD...  is... nothing but the Divinity understood as COSMIC FATHER.

    NATURE...  is...  nothing but the Divinity understood as COSMIC MOTHER.

    In this circumstantial evidence of applied understanding...

    SCIENCE  is  but  the Progeny of Cosmic Father & Cosmic Mother

    meaning thereby,  the Father of Science is COSMOS.

    Isn't  it....................................

  3. The origin of science lies in the supernatural.

    Several thousand years ago people lacked the knowledge necessary to explain the universe and its workings in "scientific" terms.

    To early humans, the forces of nature were both powerful and unexplainable. Yet their origin and control must exist somewhere, perhaps in some being - or beings - more powerful than man himself.

    Undoubtedly, such reasoning led to the establishment of primitive religions and the belief that the world and all happenings in it ere under the controlling influence of spirits and gods.

    In time, more perceptive individuals realized that rituals played no role in controlling the forces of nature. This was a momentous discovery and a scientific one.

    The first to make and record this discovery were the ancient Greek philosophers.

    Thales of Miletus is regarded by many as the father of science; he was the first Greek philosopher to seek to explain the physical world in terms of natural rather than supernatural causes.

  4. Aristotle is father of modern science

  5. that would be ... ME im just kinding i think if the first cave man ho discovered fired would be if he still lived

  6. Nikola TESLA has been described as:

    "The Father of Physics" and

    "the man who invented the twentieth century" and

    "the Patron Saint of modern electricity".

  7. I don't know, but I am the father of Yahoo answers :)

  8. there's no father of science in general cause there are many branches of science.. here are a few:

    1. fathers of modern chemistry -  Antoine Lavoisier, Robert Boyle, Jöns Berzelius, John Dalton (there are four)

    2. father of modern physics - Galileo Galilei

    read here for the complete listing ...

  9. Thales of Miletus - a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, is considered to be the father of science becaused he first encouraged naturalistic explanations  

    .. good ness I wasn't called.

  10. Francis Bacon

  11. i dont no but i am the father of yahooooooooooooo

  12. The caveman who discovered fire

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