
Who is the Highest Ranking King Ralph?

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I've read that there are about 5000 known descendents of Sophia, Electress of Hanover, which are all potentially in the succession to the British throne. The official website lists the first 40 (after 24 there is a number of exclusions because of legitimacy and Catholicism).

The first one I see who is not a citizen of UK is King Harald V of Norway (#62). Does anyone know who is the highest ranking American or Canadian?

King Ralph was a comedy where a freak accident causes an American working class Joe to accede to the throne.




  1. Just a guess, but it's either the "Dynasty" actress Caroline Oxenberg (b. 1961-- New York City ), the eldest daughter of Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia and her first husband, Howard Oxenburg, or else, Philip Karageorgevich, Prince Philip of Yugoslavia (b. 1981 -- Fairfax, Virginia).  Ms Oxenberg is a second cousin of Prince Charles.

    P. S. (23 June 2008) --  For some reason, I missed Prince Peter.  Thanks.

  2. Peter Philips, Her Majesty's eldest grandson, recently married Autumn Kelly, a Canadian Catholic [she has converted to Anglican due to sucession issues] on 17 May 2008. While she would not be in the line of sucession, her husband is, and hence her children would be. Only time will tell if they will live in the UK or Canada.

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