
Who is the Jonas Brothers' current agent and how can I contact them?

by Guest55632  |  earlier

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I am trying to get the Jonas Brothers to come to my daughter's birthday party in October and I am wondering who is their agent and how can I contact them. Also if you could what should I say if I contact them by e-mail or telephone etc.





  2. I've heard it's 867-5309.


    You're gonna pay a few million?

    They suck anyways. you dont want to clean up the blood from your childrens ears, right?

    Don't bother :)

  4. Good luck.

  5. here is there number (818)-748-8887 call and leave a message

  6. Seriously take the 50,000 dollars its going to cost you and put it in a college fund or something useful

  7. It shouldn't be a problem if you're loaded. if not, you could hold one of them for ransom.

  8. Mickey Mouse.

  9. unless you're going to offer them a new contract, then you don't need their agent.  You need a booking agent to contact their managers. Their managers are Philip Mcintyre, Johnny Wright and their dad Kevin Jonas Sr.   Here is a link to an online booking agency.

    Save up....  

  10. Have you ever been to a Jonas Brother concert? I took my daughter recently and I can tell you that unless you plan to pay the J-Bros about a million dollars to show up at your kids party there is absolutely no chance of them ever showing aren't exactly talking about hiring a small time band, clown or magician here. The J-Bros concert had more fans than a Rolling Stones was like the Beatles reincarnated....get the picture?

    PS: They are owned by Disney....good luck with your fantasy!

  11. theres a bunch of 12 years old on here who are gonna tell you things like "i dunno! but I love the jonas brothers xx"


    p.s. save your poor daughter ears, the jonas brothers make terrible music oh lord

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