
Who is the UN? aka united nations?

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Or what is it.... thanks




  1. UN is a corrupt organization that is supposed to bring peace to the world.  They only bring misery.  The UN has NEVER done anything good in this world

  2. A loose association of nearly every single country in the world, whose primarily objective is the cooperation of nations on certain issues.

    The U.N. is mostly dominated by the U.S., Russia, China, Britian and France who hold a special position.

    That's pretty much sums up the U.N. in layman's term.

  3. The United Nations is an association of indepedent  countries that are supposed to share a common goal towards uplifting human lives by eradicating poverty and promoting world peace ,protecting natural resources..

    However they have failed to really promote these goals due to greed and so called 'veto' powers that fuel self-interest

  4. thanks 4 the question. I need to know this for my french quiz, in Ms. Brill

  5. United Nations is a tool for the world's rich and mighty to control other countries

  6. The United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are to facilitate cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress and human rights issues.

    There are currently 192 nations represented on the GA floor, 63 of which were founding members (former members of The League of Nations).

    The largest bodies of the United Nations are the General Assembly- headquarted on international territory in New York City, United Nations Security Council- also headquarted in NYC, The International Court of Justice (which also includes the International Criminal Court)-which is headquarted in The Hague, Holland, the Economic and Social Council, and the Secretariat.

    The largest agencies of the UN are UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) UNICEF (The United Nations Children's Fund), UNHCR (The United Nations Agency for Refugees) and WHO (The World Health Organization).

    The six official language of the United Nations (and the ones spoken on the General Assembly floor are): Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish.

  7. Refuge for the weak and source of moral justification for the strong.

  8. The UN is made up of most of the countries in the world, and exists to talk through problems, instead of going immediately to war, as in WWI. It's based upon its predecessor, the League of Nations. Both of these organizations had a power monopoly in favour of countries who came out as winning alllies in WWI and WWII, so the UK, US, France, China,  and Russia (somewhat).

    it is being re-evaluated for certain positions, especially Security Council and Human Rights Commitee. Delegates from each member nation serve in different commitees, but not all  committees are open to all country participation, such as Security Council. The largest forum is General Assembly, where world leaders and delegates have the opportunity to address the world on issues which they believe are of importance.

    UN missions can be developed, such as in Somalia, Haiti and Liberia, and other areas of conflict. Peacekeepers can be sent to these areas to "keep the peace" but have seemed to do more harm than good with reports of sexual assault. The UN Peacekeeping Force is probably the most  corrupt limb of the org. All female divisions have proved succesful and relieable, so perhaps more of this should be used in the future.

    Corruption exists, as it does in any org- amnesty international for goodness sakes, but people are trying to change that. And Ban Ki-Moon is fabulous!

  9. The United Nations is the pawn of the US in justifying the invasion of other countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.

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