
Who is the Worst team in MLB?

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I'm a Pittsburgh fan, but I'd have to say the Pirates are. They started out the season looking better then they have in recent years, but after trading away Nady and Bay, they have become the stinkers of the league. With zero offense to go along with the zero pitching.

How many losing seasons has it been now- 16? How can management fail to get it right 16 times?!?! They have never been able to build off of anything. Every off-season it is the same thing, "lets start over again........."

Thank God for the Penguins and Steelers!!




  1. I agree with you. The pirates suck. It's either them or the mariners.

  2. ATL Braves!!

  3. Nationals, no contest.  They really stink.  

  4. I would have to say at the moment I think it is the Washington Nationals they have the worst home record in baseball. Although I have to agree Pittsburgh has been bad. I am a Cubs fan and when Pittsburgh was thinking of making trades I was on Yahoo sports saying if Pitt trades Nady and Bay I wouldn't blame Pitt fans if they never went back. Those are guys they should be building around! I remember when Pitt was a powerhouse I can remember going to Wrigley and watching Stargell and Parker they had some great teams.

  5. The Nationals are waaay worse.

  6. Nationals

  7. Baseball season starts in Pitts. when the Pens finish

    The it end at beginning of training camp

  8. Same thing with the Reds. They lost Dunn and Jr. The Pirates give them a run for their money though. As for worst, the Mariners.

  9. Unfortunately, I think it's probably my poor Mariners this year.  :(

  10. if you would have asked me 2 weeks ago i would have said nationals but there pitching has come around somewhat so i would say pirates or mariners. probably the pirates they are absolutly pathetic they have no pitching at all, but when they get a good outing from zach duke like they did last night they dont score any runs. the have doug menkevich playing left field right field 3rd and 1st? they got andy laroche from LA and he is hitting worse than he did earlier, and cant throw the ball. its not much better with adam. niger morgan has a whole lot of speed but hits for no power and has no arm. pirates are the worst team in baseball

  11. Ya.....At least you have the Steelers to fall back on.  More than we can say here in the 'nati.  However, our IHL team won it all last year.  We do have the Bearcats too, but as far as professional sports, Cinci's in an all time low.

    Worst team? ... hmm.... prob the Mariners right now.

  12. The Nats are gunning for you guys.  We may not have such a long record of losing, but look at what's been accomplished just in the last couple years.  The Nats management acts like a small market team while surrounded by many of the wealthiest counties in the nation.  They're in a nasty lawsuit with the city regarding unpaid taxes right after DC paid for a new stadium.  They couldn't sign their top draft pick, hired free agents like Lo Duca and Estrada, not to mention the $5 million for Dimitri Young, who has hardly played at all due to diabetes complications (or maybe being 300+ lbs).

    Plus they've got the most embarassing TV and radio ratings of any professional sports team.

  13. Seattle is worst this season. They are already eliminated.

  14. i'm a nationals fan and i say we suck more we have the worst record and at least you guys had good ppl to trade we dont have to many. we arnt terrible we have some pretty good batters with speed we just need pitching. recently they beat the cubs 13-5 it was awesome. but other than that we dont score many runs. maybe tonight we can sweep the dodgers.

  15. Any team that plays below .400 is a candidate for the worst team championship.

    But, put the blame where it belongs. On a front office of imbeciles, headed by an incompetent GM, and "bingo", an inept ball club.

    Solution, stay away and stop putting money in a stinking sink hole.

    These owners are smart enough to know, that as long as you show up and continue to buy their inferior product, "you" and not them are the stupid ones.

  16. Cincinnati gives a good fight for the worst team, but thank God for the Nationals.  They win.

  17. the Nationals r worse at least the Pirates have a future with good young prospects the nats have nothing excapt the Z-Pac

  18. I would say the Nationals are worse. At least Pittsburgh has some real nice young talent there with Doumit, McLouth, and Karstens. All those guys have a positive future.  

  19. I'd say the Mariners the Pirates since i am a fan of them, the nationals, and the Padres.

  20. I'd have to say the Pirates and the Mariners are bad too.  The team that always underperforms is the Texas Rangers.  They have amazing hitting, but cant play D and cant pitch.  Wtf?

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