
Who is the antagonist in The Count of Monte Cristo?

by Guest56783  |  earlier

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I just finished reading this for school and the protagonist is obviously Edmond Dantes [the Count of Monte Cristo] but I can't figure out who the antagonist is...?




  1. I have to read it for school too! I don't like it very much but I'm not that far into it. It's all the people who hate Edmond in the beginning. I can't remember their names though- shows you how much attention I paid to it.  

  2. Well it is possible to have multiple antagonists, but there is usually just one main villain.   Who gained the most by ruining Edmond's life?

  3. There are many minor villians in this particular classic. But if you study the villians you will notice one common main villian, Dantes' so-called best friend in the beginning, Fernand Montague. Because of Montague's jealousy of Dantes, Count Fernand Montague sets forth plans to ruin Dantes's life and gain it all for himself. Which obviously backfires in the end. Fernand Montague is the main villian while other minor villians help fulfull the plot of the story.  

  4. you might make the case that edmond is the protagonist & the count of monte cristo is the antagonist.  that is, he almost destroys edmond's life in his quest for revenge.

    after edmond escapes from the chateau d'if & finds the treasure, he can do anything but instead, he becomes the count & spends years & years plotting & exacting revenge.  only at the end does he realize this might have been a waste of time since he has no love in his life.  when he realizes that haydee loves him, he is able to become edmond again & return" to living again.  so he overcomes himself & triumphs!

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