
Who is the best AFL player of all time?

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  2. Ben Cousins, forget the drugs, he was a bloody good player.

    Lance franklin, such a good goalkicker

    Ablet snr & jnr - amazingggggg players

    d. kerr & c. judd

  3. Juddy!

  4. Wayne Carey, the North Melbourne version, not the Adelaide player.

  5. Agree with the 'WEST coast' girl.

    Ben Cousins - forgetting the drugs remember, how good he was!!


  6. Gary Ablett snr, Tony Modra, Tony Lockett. those are the 3 best players i have seen play. ironically, they all played as goal kickers. unfortunate how the defenders don't get much credit. how bout Steven Silvani from carlton aswell, he was sick

    EDIT: Gary Ablett Jnr is no doubt gonna be the best, after his career has finished. what a star

  7. nathan buckley,hirdy, lockett and the abletts jnr and snr and jimmy

  8. There were great players in the past but none of those players even come close to the stars of today's game, the game today is way to fast to say that anyone like Leigh Mathews or Ted Whitten is the best player of all time. Players like Lance (buddy) Franklin, Ablett Jnr and Chris Judd are the best players EVER, simply because the game has never been as quick and skillfull as it is now. In 10 years there will be another lot of better players because the game will have changed again. P.S Ablett snr is not the best ever player, he was a great forward but the best NO.  

  9. From what I have seen, which is basically the late '90s and '00s, it would have to be James Hird and Nathan Buckley. There are greater players than them, but I haven't seen them, so I can't judge!

  10. Yaaaaabbbbllleeettt!!

  11. ted whitten,polly farmer or bob skilton

  12. Ham man ruls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. In my eyes Ted Whitten Snr. He was an inspiration to the game and when he died, the Big V died as well. He was not the father of football, but more or less the brother or cousin...

  14. Wayne Carey when he was playing for the Kangaroos.

    He played the hardest position on the field, CHF, & the only player ever to be able to hold him to a reasonable game was glen Jackovich.

    Whereas Gary Ablett Snr was very inconsistent - & very filthy, to boot!

    If you had mentioned VFL, I would have considered nominating Fitzroy's Kevin Murray.

  15. Speaking of the last thirty years, there were three that were unfortunate in playing at the same time and thus not standing out as they would have alone.

    Nathan Buckley, James Hird and Michael Voss.

    All versatile, passionate, athletic, graceful, determined, teamworking and skilled, and you can't separate them(unless you barrack for Carlton which means none of the above get a guensey).

    Go the 3 Amigos!

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