
Who is the best Crusaders {super 14} or Munster {heineken cup}?

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Who is the best Crusaders {super 14} or Munster {heineken cup}?




  1. um is this a trick question....duhhhh crusaders

  2. The Crusaders, without even thinking about it....

  3. I think it would depend if it was a northern hemissphere ref or a southern hemisphere ref!!!

    I think the crusaders would be a good bet though!!

  4. Crusaders for sure munster may have the irish passion but its the crusaders that have the skills. The whole Ierland team is made up of munster players and the whole all black team is made up of crusaders and hoe wins every time new zealand and ierland zealand. so the crusaders would realy destroy the munster team.

  5. well its munster of course, they have irish passion and fight until the end

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