
Who is the best american pool player in history?

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Who is the best american pool player in history?




  1. Mike Ruffo

  2. Janet whatever.. . The Black Widow.

  3. earl the pearl strickland or willie mosconi

  4. Tom Cruise.....that makes as much sense as all of the answers so far........there are so many great players today that it would be impossible to say but almost any of the top rated players would run circles around any of these "oldies" that everyone comes up with and especially "Jeanette Lee"....there is not a woman out there that would come close to any of the top men...."as long as we are talking about talent...not looks"....I know I am starting to sound "sexist" but take it any way you want......they cannot consistently beat any of the top rated men.......if I had to pick someone presently....can't think of his name but the young mad that won the US Open last year....from Oklahoma.....sorry just drawing a blank....but he would be at the top of my list right now........sorry not much help but I probably stirred up a "hornet's nest" if any women players out there reading this!!!!

  5. I agree that it would have to be a toss-up between Ralph Greenleaf and Willie Mosconi.  Greenleaf has won more championships but not by much.  Mosconi's 526 run is simply amazing.  If I could travel back in time to watch them play each other, I'd be a happy guy.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  6. Minnesota Fats ........

  7. Mosconi is....  hence the mosconi cup!!

  8. Ralph Greenleaf or Willie Mosconi

    my nod might have to go by the slightest of margins to Ralph cause he played on lesser quality of equipment than Mosconi. the only thing relative was that the games were played on a flat surface.

  9. Mosconi

  10. Steve Mizerak

  11. Fast Eddie

  12. Ms. Lee...aka the Black Widow.

  13. Jeannette Lee "The black widow".  Definitely the hottest also.

  14. jim rempey...or rempay i cant remember hes exact real surname....

  15. Willie Mosconi

  16. The Bum whom Drowned.

  17. Paul Newman

  18. Minnesota Fats

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