
Who is the best and cheapest debt management?

by Guest33472  |  earlier

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Hi, i am looking for the cheapest and best debt management company, do you have any details please?




  1. The best start is to make sure to start saving. Dont wait until everythign else is paid off. If you are to hit a rough patch, having the old debt paid off will do absolutely no good when you have to go into debt yet again since nothing is put back for a rainy day. This is the #1 mistake listed at many websites I have visited.

  2. Your own bank would be the easiest and cheapest for debt consolidation but they still own your a'ss, don't let them fool you they will sing a song maybe 6.5 percent apr but the slightest default and they'll s***w you.  I had a 5k consolidation loan in the end i ended up paying 9k as a final settlement.  I took out the insurance, now heres where it gets nasty i got paid of from work, the place i used to work for told the bank when asked told them i walked! and left work.  They refused to honour the insurance hence the 9k settlement.  If you can as a final solution get bankruptcy instead of a loan.  You win they loose.  I know other companies charge 12-13 percent on a consolidation loan or as they call it "debt management" the only thing they manage is getting you into more debt.

  3. Kerstin,

    There's a good article at eHow on steps to take to begin tackling your debt.  Take a look at it:

    How to Stop Escalating Debt

    It includes information on companies (both non-profit and for-profit) that can help you with debt consolidation and reduction.  

    You can also look here for tips on earning some extra cash online:

    How to make money on the internet, scam-free

    Lastly, here's an interesting alternative to conventional lending...getting a "social networking" loan from Virgin Money (from the same folks who run Virgin Airlines):

    Social Loans from Virgin Money

    Hope these help.

  4. Here is the source of a debt management company named which I know, for your reference.

  5. Firstly don,t pay for debt management

    it is free and impartial see below

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