
Who is the best equip in hockey in your opinion?

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(any others you can think of)




  1. For skaters, CCM, Jofa, Bauer and Easton

    For goalies, CCM and Vaughn

  2. nike bauer all the way!!! vapor skates are the best. and they look totally bad ***

  3. I really like my Mission skates.  They are my only really nice piece of equipment.  2-3 hundred dollar range.  They required no break in time. I have had foot pain the entire time I have played, but I haven't with these skates!

    Good luck!

  4. CCM down to the socks I use on the ice.

  5. Goalie protective - Vaughn

    Goal stick - Montreal

    Goal pants - Tackla

    Player protective -

    shoulder and elbow - CCM

    gloves - NikeBauer / Eagle / CCM

    Helmet - NikeBauer/CCM/Mission/RBK all about equal at the high end.

    Skates - Grafs hold up well and people tend to stick with the brand once they've worn them. The new composites made by the other majors are good but they don't last as long as the older leather boots.

    Player stick - Easton

  6. for skaters:

    skates - bauer

    sticks - easton (there are other good ones, but i think these are the best, maybe not value-wise)

    gear - i think this all comes down to fit/look/style/protection preference which can vary player to player and its hard to say IMO cause 'best' is an arbitrary term

  7. Nike Bauer



  8. Skates- Bauer

    Gloves- Eagle

    Pads- whatever's comfy ;]

    Helmets- CCM

    Stick- Easton, RBK..agh everything's all feel.

  9. skates -bauer

    gloves - ccm

    elbow pads/shin guards - easton

    shoulder pads - Itech

    helmet - ccm

    pants - ccm

    stick - easton

    goalie pads - rbk

    goalie stick - bauer

  10. States: Whoever fits you the best- Easton, Bauer, CCM or RBK. Mission of Graf if you like a traditional (leather and fabric) boot.

    Helmet: At the cheap level, all pretty similar. At the nice level, All different but all good. Mission, Easton, CCM, Bauer and RBK are your best choices.

    Pads: Try it on, whatever's comfy. Get decent shoulder pads, not just the one layer of foam ones. Even in a no check league, you want a good shoulder pad, it's very important to keep from getting injured. Jofa is RBK now, Easton, CCM, Bauer.

    Pants: Best ones are Tackla. If you use the belt to keep your pants up, don't buy bauer. They use a snap buckle in front, ant if you lean over it puts uneven pressure on the top and bottom of the buckle and it may pop open.

    Stick: Whatever suits you. Easton makes the best sticks in the high end range, but the lower or mid range sticks in other brands are about equal. Get a two piece stick (shaft and blade) I use the Easton Synergy two peice, great stick. If one part breaks you can replace it.

    Gloves: Mission, Warrior, Easton, CCM, Bauer, TPS, whatever. light and comfortable with good motion is what you're looking for.

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