
Who is the best ever Australian Rules footballer?

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Jezza? Barras? Huddo? Blighty? Lethal? Jacko?




  1. Hard to say because the all do very different jobs in a team. The best I'd say would be Lethal, he certainly was the toughest.

  2. You gave selected a group of Legends, this is is a hard and extremely difficult one to pick. But I would pick Barras, only because he was an outstanding player and a very good coach.

  3. i would have to say, either john cahill, or russell ebert. Both port magpies boys!

  4. Ask this in five years time and we'll all answer Chris Judd.  But for now, I'll go with Wayne Carey, only because he played the toughest position on the ground so well for so long.

  5. i hate to admit it but chris judd.

  6. i think jezza, he was awesome to watch.  these days i think maybe  judd or kerr.

  7. blight

    but come on

    Matty Lloyd he makes essendon  YER!!!!!

  8. brendan fevola is............

  9. Tony Lockett

  10. Jason McCartney. He is super brave coming back and helping his side beat Richmond after that Bali bombing. He may not be the Most talented or greatest player ever but he was sure the bravest.

  11. Garry Ablett Senior.

  12. I think the person who has contributed most to the game is lethal.... the man is a genius on may levels, being player of the century sort of high lights that fact.

  13. Wayne Carey

  14. Carey??

  15. Leigh Matthews - deadset legend as both a player and a coach.

  16. i feel that the game has changed too much to select a single player as the best. of the current lot Judd is brilliant, as is the aging collingwood skipper nathan buckley, matheew lloyd, james hird. i can't judge the older generations as i am not old enough to have seen them play.

  17. Well its Hard to choose because they are all really good!

  18. Well there was a huge survey a few years ago, of fans & experts, and they chose Lethal.

    I would say Polly Farmer.

  19. I have never heard of any of those names but i would probably pick Chris Judd or Ben Cousins

  20. Chris Judd is the best midfielder of all time and when he finishes he WILL be the greatest player to have ever played the game. I was always a fan of Gary Ablett Senior (not that c**p son of his playing these days) and Wayne Carey as the best forwards

  21. none of those I think Thorold Merrett John Coleman of the old players but todays players I hate to say it probably is Chris Judd but my choice would be Nathan Buckley

  22. This one is definitely a matter of opinion as shown by the answers so far. It's hard to compare players of different eras and positions.

    Of the players that I have seen play possibly Hird or Carey would be up there.

  23. Jacko

  24. um..ok

    first of all

    buckley is NOT a legend, nor is he even decent

    many people in the know regard leigh matthews as the best of all-time

    present time, chris judd is the best

  25. Cazaly

  26. James Hird

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