
Who is the best golfer in the world right now?

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  1. Knowing that it's a stupid question, but still went ahead and asked it.   Did you forget to take your medicine this morning?

  2. Tiger woods is the best golfer in the world.

  3. Tiger Woods, he has won almost everything! Go TIGER!

  4. Well, right now, since Tiger is not playing, Phil is the best player out there.  It will be interesting to see how long it will take Tiger to regain his #1 status.

  5. vijay singh. im only saying that cuz he's hindu!

  6. I would have to say Tiger Woods. The man is already a legend in the golf world. He has won numerous major championships and he will continue to do so as long as he plays pro golf. He was even able to win a major while dealing with the pain of his knee. I think he will go down in the record books as one of the best golfers to ever play the game.

  7. tiger

  8. The have a ranking system that takes the guesswork out of this question.  TW is #1,  Phil is the highest ranking active player.

  9. The Minute that I step on the Course, I truly must believe that in my world at that time I'am the best Golfer in the World!

  10. Tiger (Eldrick Tont) Woods.

  11. i would say me definately, i played tiger in 18 holes and i beat him by one shot.   ME=66  TIGER=67

  12. Eldrick Woods, however with him crocked (injured) for the foreseeable future, the game lacks a consensus #1 as each of the top players all have one fairly obvious flaw.  With that being said, barring something highly unusual happening, Woods will still be the #1 ranked player in the World Rankings when he returns in 2009.

  13. Tiger is still the Number 1 golfer in the World right now .

  14. Tiger Woods is to golf what Michael Jordan was to basketball and Wayne Gretsky was to Hockey and Pele was to soccer,  They are so much better than the rest that they come to define the sport.

  15. With Tiger out for the rest of the season, I would have to say it is ME!!!

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