
Who is the best male role model in Lost?

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  1. i love this show!

    i always liked Charlie. i felt like he was flawed, obviously, but a good soul. he honestly seemed to be want to help people and he overcame his drug abuse in order to be a better person for Claire and Aaron. not to mention the fact that he assumed the role of protector for Claire and Aaron without asking for anything in return. i was sad when he was killed off the show.

    i also like Hurley because he also has a good soul and can laugh at anything, even his misfortunes. i find that to be a great skill.

  2. none of them. they are all a bunch of nut jobs.

  3. I don't watch that programme, but just want to say that the guy who plays what I think is the lead character (the one who appears in some skincare advert), cannot act to save his life.

  4. Obviously Jack.

  5. they are all fictional and boring

  6. I think Jack, by far.

    Obviously cause he is a doctor and has studied hard for years in med school. And he is a good person and good personality to look up to.

  7. The best one would have to be Jack, but I like Sawyer to.

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