
Who is the best phone service?

by  |  earlier

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well i have at & t but are they the best




  1. The best phone service available is by a company that does not advertise its services, and by doing that it keeps it costs down dramatically, and its customer service dept is excellent.

    How do I know this? Well that is easy I use their services here in the UK, although they are an American Company which offer local & long distance calling, internet, digital, voip with video phones, satellite TV and are agents for all the major cell phone providers.

    If you would like to contact them send me an email and I will give you a link to the company.


  2. Verizon has more available towers in more areas, which in turn means much better reception. However, Net 10 is the cheapest prepaid service. Verizon is pricey like all the others.

  3. Sometimes if you call them and tell them you are looking at switching, they will tell you what kind of special offers they can give you...but ya gotta call.....I ended up saving over $80.00 a month.

    hope this answer helps:)

  4. the best phone service is the magic jack. Never heard of it? After a 30 free day trial, you pay only $39.99 for the first month and every year, it charges you only $19.99 per YEAR plus free calls in Canada and the USA.

  5. are you asking about landlines??? yes, I hate to say it, but its AT&T.(Bell)..and they know it.......thats why they tried us like dirt!!

  6. I like Vonage. AT&T tried to nickel and dime me to death.

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