
Who is the best player (from your point of view) at the West Coast Eagles 2008?

by Guest55656  |  earlier

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Personally, i think Josh Kennedy, David Wirrapanda, Brett Jones, Matthew Priddis, Daniel Kerr, Dean Cox and Ben Mckinley.




  1. I HATE the eagles but i would say....

    Daniel Kerr.

    It used to be embley but he needs to retire!

  2. Everybody will say kerr but cox has been because he had not been reported or injured and has stuck with his team by signing a new contract

    BIG COX!

  3. Kerr, Cox and Priddis

  4. Dean Cox and Daniel Kerr.

  5. Dean Cox.

  6. i think personally dean cox.

    in the 100 point loss to collingwood, he managed to collect 30 touches, 36 hitouts, 2 goals and numerous other stats, BOG in my opinion.

    excellent player, quality ruckman

  7. It would have to be Cox....he's been one of the stand outs for West Coast, and has played well even with a foot injury.

  8. Kerr or Cox

  9. Dean Cox. He's the premier ruckman in the competition and one of the best ruckmen ever. 3 x AA (looking at a 4th this year - the only Eagle that is a chance) and will probably have a club B&F to go with it, as he has by far been WC most consistent player this season. The fact he's been enduring a broken bone in his foot since early in the season (not training at full speed and getting a jab before every game) since R3 makes his performances even more astounding.

  10. In my opinion its out of Dean Cox ,Andrew Embley, David Wirrpanda

  11. Kerr and Cox easily.

    McKinley looks good for the future, as does Priddis

  12. It would be a toss up between Darren Glass,Dean Cox,Daniel Kerr or David Wirrapanda

  13. Adam Sellwood.

    He consistently shuts top midfielders down nearly every week. Much of his work goes un-noticed by those taken in by statistics but I'm sure he will poll very well in the clubs F & B voting this year.

    Cox & Kerr would have to be up there at the top as well.

  14. Dean Cox - out standing even in losing matches

    David Wirrapanda - I watch eagles matches just to see his style... love his work...

  15. David Wirrpanda or Dean Cox

  16. chris Judd

  17. 1.cox


    3.priddis,wirrpunda, embley,priddis (none have played consisitently)

  18. they r all trying their best but id have to say wirrapunda,embly and cox..i feel sorry for cox he beats other players hands down and yet we still lose ..tear* lol ohwell its life aye..what doesnt kill ya makes u stonger oh and GLASSY!he still wins on 1 bloody leg!!!!! god hes awesome

  19. Daniel Kerr at the moment. In the teams short history, they have sure had some great champions like Judd, Cousins, Jakovich, the Materas, etc

  20. Well so far from what I have seen in 2008 of the Toyota AFL Premiership Season, I would have to say Daniel Kerr has been the West Coast Eagles' number one player.

    The reason for such an answer is because for such a small player, he is hard at it, and does not take a backwards step.

    It would not matter if Aaron Sandilands or Brent Harvey was coming at him, his main objective is the ball.

    Lets hope he doesn't play like this against the Tigers in a couple of weeks.


  21. Cox and Kerr are easily the best currently at the Eagles. There are a few other around them that are playing well but not as consistent as Kerr and Cox.

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