
Who is the best spiritual leader/philosopher alive in the world today? How?

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If you like you can suggest 2-3 names and please explain why and how they are one of the most important spiritual leaders. Thanks




  1. I'd say these 3 are most influential

    1. The Pope- for obvious reasons, whoever the Pope is at the time always attracts the world's attention

    2. Osama Bin Laden- although I'd definitely say he's a terrorist, he claims to be some type of mujahid and has gained enough influence to incite a war claiming the lives of almost 3,000 people alone on 9/11/01 and so much more tied up in the conflicts

    3. Three is a three way tie for me at least, between Billy Graham, Rick Warren, and Joel Osteen. Graham draws the most crowds, Warren sells the most books, and Osteen has the biggest church.

    Just my opinion

  2. Billy Graham for sure. Although he may be in his later years now, it has given him much more wisdom and experience in his area. He definitely dedicated to what he believes in and has brought millions to Christ. Another reason is because he practices what he preaches. Throughout the entire 89 years of his life he has been a loving and caring person spreading the word of God. Billy Graham is most definitely the worlds greatest spiritual leader and going to one of his crusades and truly be life changing, as it was for myself.

  3. Philosophers and spiritual leaders are very different sorts of creature.

    I'll take it that you're referring to the (fairly small) overlap between the two.

    I'll list three, in no order of priority. Heck, I'll list them in alphabetical order. Two Christians (of different sorts) and one Jew. First, Peter Inwagen, a scholar within the Calvinist/Reformed tradition, who has done a lot of work to revive old-fashioned theological ideas in the language and style of contemporary analytical philosophy.

    Second. consider Harold S. Kushner, the rabbi who penned "When Bad Things Happen to Good People," a book that has helped a heck of a lot of good people through the bad days of their lives.

    Finally, I'll include Janet Melnyk. Denominationally, she's of the Society of Friends. She's a scholar who specifically studies the history of ideas about the end of the world, the apocalypse.

  4. eckhart tolle - living for now without ego creates true inner peace

  5. Bruce Dickinson for the iron maiden religion

    has brought all iron maiden fans together

  6. Srila Bhaktivedanta Naryana Goswami Maharaja.

    1) He is from free the propensity to cheat, which is found among many so-called 'incarnations', 'avatars', etc. He never claims to be God, but only a humble servant of the servants of God. This is the sign of one who has actually realized the nature of the Supreme and also his own relationship with the Supreme. It is the disease of the conditioned souls in this material world that we think of ourselves as independent enjoyers and lords struggling to be happy. Srila Narayana Maharaja as the perfect transcendental doctor can wipe out this disease just by being in his association for a few moments. Hearing from him reawakens the heart to the spiritual life that is now dormant in us. We are eternal loving servants of God, full of knowledge and full of bliss. The perfect teacher/guru is the one who has realized and is living in that consciousness 24/7. Srila Narayana Maharaja is in that category.

    2) He does not claim to be a creator of some new system of philosophy or religion. Rather he comes to us as the latest link in an unbroken chain of spiritual masters (guru parampara) that originated with the Lord Himself. Specifically known as the Brahma-Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya, this chain of disciplic succession is composed of pure devotees of the Supreme Lord who have totally surrendered everything-- body, mind and words-- to the loving service of the Lord. His name 'Bhaktivedanta' means that he has realized the conclusion of the Vedanta that the Supreme Lord is everything and he has surrendered to the Supreme Lord in humble, loving service or bhakti.

    3) Even at a very advanced age he is taking the trouble to travel all over the world instructing as many as possible on the science of bhakti-yoga and the science of the soul. He is mercifully accepting disciples all over the world to try and help them establish their lost relationship to the Supreme Lord in the highest rasa of pure love.

  7. none, all going to h**l in a hand basket

  8. Rush Limbaugh

  9. Satya Sai Baba at a small town called Puttaparti in Andhra Pradesh, India....... no other human has ever been worshiped as "God incarnate" by stout followers running into millions in number from all around the world.  

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