
Who is the best teacher you've ever had and why?

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Who is the best teacher you've ever had and why?




  1. My best teacher was my Economics and Geography teacher at Canterbury College, Mr Evans.  He inspired me to do my best always, never give up and helped me beleive that I was a valuable human being.  Due to his hard work and dedication I became an Economics and Geography teacher as well.  I use some of the same fun stategies he used to make class fun and always remember his passion for teaching if I am feeling a little low.  I wish I could thank his personally, but this is a good way as well.

  2. This year my teacher that i have now is the best. Her name is Mrs Johnston but we call her Mrs J. She is really kind and if shes angry she would shout it and then ay says Mrs J in and ANGRY voice. Its rreally funny. We also go for a fitness walk every day which is really good. She is always helping people and she knows how to handle kids well because she has 3 kids of her own.

    Also if she gets chocolate off someone she would always share it out. One time when a honey seller man came to our school and he gave honey to every class and our teacher was really kind and went across the road to the shops at lunch time and bought bread so we could put our honey on it.

    Thats just some reasons my teacher is the best.

  3. My mother... she has taught me the real meaning of life and how to survive with it..

  4. My A+, Network+ Tutor

    He would crawl on broken glass to help his students if they were willing to work just as hard as him

  5. my geometry teacher in 9th grade from ireland.

    He was quite the transparent little character. He was SO moody:  some days he would let us eat in class, some days he would bring food and music to class. Somedays he would send us out of the classroom for bringing food into his room or talking to our neighbor? It was hilarious! MAN PMS!!!!  We always knew what mood he was in. Happy hyper, pissy grouch. And it made class fun different and it felt like he was a friend you were visiting and got personal with.

    But i can say that i did learn a TON about math that year because he LOVED math. He loved it and loved it when we understood it. We talked in class just as much as he did. And we always did fun little kid projects like hands on, draw and color the shapes while we figure out (sin cos.......blah blah)

  6. Mrs. Turner..3rd grade..she was so lovely. Loving and nice...she used to braid our hair ..

  7. My Grade 10 - 12 English, Ms Portia Fourie, teacher was and still is the best teacher! Not only was she my English teacher but she remains the greatest inspiration till to date.

  8. The best teacher I've ever had BY FAR is my English/History teacher, Mr. Clohessy. He is an EXCELLENT teacher - he can be quite strict at times but he makes up for that by being absolutely hilarious. We do lots of work but we have a lot of fun with it because he just makes everything so interesting. Especially Shakespeare! We're doing Hamlet now. We did Macbeth last year! Brilliant . . .

  9. my biology teacher(the only bio teacher n the mother og the nature! she takes care the school gardens! she always there for me when im sad or when i get low gred in my exam! although im graduated from the school but im still contact her! best teacher ever! miss soo peck wan!

  10. My literature teacher. She treated us like other peers, not students and we have learn so much from her. We are not piled with work and she isn't too strict on us. She is the best teacher I will ever have. She also teaches us life skills.

  11. who cares

  12. Ms bouskill from valley school she was grumpy at start but then she got better she ROX YOUR SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    :) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :)

  13. media teacher this year. he never gave that angry face even wen he is angry. he always smile. make feel safe and i respect him more. he make me wanna study hard, so he can be proud

  14. My high school Spanish teacher. She always made the class fun. So many people said she was a b*tch but when I got in her class, I loved her. I'm going to miss her.

  15. A maths teacher named Mr. Strong from england, who taught the boys to be gentlemen and the girls to be ladies, and sang frank sinatra in class.

  16. king james

  17. Time... if you're patient, time will teach you anything you want to know.

  18. i ahd this teacher last yr (english teacher) who at the start everyone absolutely hated

    then about 1 term in we all loved her! she was pretty strict, but extremely fair, and i learnt heaps with her!

    we cood joke around with her but still learn, she was organised and she was a teacher that i actually DID homework for.


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