
Who is the better Vice Presidential pick?

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The old guy with the bad rug or the cute chick with the hot librarian look?

I mean experience wise, not looks wise. Keep your mind out of the gutter, no talks about "between the shelves", etc. Joey doesn't swing that way.




  1. Palin. Palin is an appropriate choice because she is running for VP, not Commander in Chief. Obama needs Biden to pull the puppet strings behind the scenes.

  2. Palin has no experience so it is Biden.  

  3. Er what...  You lost me... anyway I think they are both excellent picks.  To tell the truth I was getting bored of both McCain and Obama.  I am glad the VPs are here to livin things up a bit.  The hot librarian look IS very s**y and I am sure it does help.  However, Bidens all american good ole boy look goes a long way as well.    

  4. Palin, she knows how to get things done for the people who put her into office

  5. Biden and I don't know who the guy with the bad rug is.

  6. Biden  

  7. Who is the better Vice Presidential pick?

    Answer = Joe Biden.

  8. Biden

  9. Clearly Biden.

  10. not the mean, old, creepy white guy who looks like he'd paddle Obama if he didn;t listen to his advice. Vote to keep your rights (and your money), vote McCain and Palin\!

  11. Joe Biden's claim to foreign policy experience may be likened to a person having lost a thousand chess games saying he's an experienced chess player.  Hard to argue the experience point...but what does the scoreboard look like?

    Palin had never made any claim of expertise in that arena...but given her track record, I trust her implicitly. (all she has to do is exactly the opposite of Biden to become a raging success)

  12. Joe Biden, of course.

  13. Biden = experience but the more I think about it the librarian look would be good entertainment the next 4 years. Though I do fantasize about the catholic schoolgirl look also. Ok, changed my mind.


  14. Biden.

  15. I'm still waiting for McCain's pick.  I know this Palin BS is just a bad joke.  Until then i'll be able to answer your question.

  16. Biden!

    Obama/Biden 08

  17. Palin is bringing the Republican party back together and is what this country really needs that has really got to peeve the Democrats.  Anyone with a brain sees that Obama only showed that he was looking to do business as usual by selecting Biden as his running mate.  What kind of change is that???

  18. Uh Palin. And do we really want to talk EXPERIENCE????

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