
Who is the better man?

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Al Gore did not become president because he got beat out by Bush. People have seen Bush's leadership, and hoped Gore had won it because this country went through one issue after another. Who would make a better president Al Gore, or George Bush?




  1. Al Gore.....Duh

  2. Neither is much to get excited about.

  3. OBAMA!

  4. Bush!!!

  5. Bush.

    The only person who would have been better than Bush is McCain.

  6. I personally think that Al Gore would have been a better president because he really cares about issues we face today in America.

  7. gore

  8. :L

  9. me

  10. George Bush

    Gore is just one in a long list of unelectable idiots that the DNC has run in Presidential elections

    Others include

    Walter Mondale

    George McGovern

    Michael Dukakis

    John Kerry

    Barrack America

  11. Bush!

  12. Well, I don't really know. They can both fail at being president. It's an extremely hard job. I guess I'd have to say that neither of them are better then the other simply because they're both human and have both done major things that keeps them from being considered honest.

    Bush is somewhat stupid seeing as he can't pronounce words and has let plenty of stupid things slip. Some people don't trust her for this reason. Plus the conspiracies we've heard, who knows what's true these days.

    Gore may not be president but he has proven to those who read that just because you want others to conserve the environment doesn't mean you do it. He wastes water and electricity, much more than the average family and I'm sure a family of 18 still saves more than he does.

    I don't really trust either of them with the position of President. They both have done things wrong, and I don't think they care about the US as a nation, but more about the control they have being in a high place.

    Show me a president that does great things without hurting other things and that man/woman will have my trust.

    EDIT: Here is one article about Gore's energy consumption:,2933,2549...

    If you search for more, I'm sure you can get even more information.

  13. AL GORE!

  14. Still Bush!

  15. Al gore has made a profit off of other people's guilt with the whole global warming thing.  I would never have taken him over Bush.

  16. Gore for sore!

  17. Thank god Bush won

  18. Its very difficult to say, as we have not seen Gore in same situation.

    Would having Gore as president make any difference to current financial crisis? Maybe..with less money going into military, maybe government would and could have helped out the citizens better.

    I am not saying Bush had done great job while he was in office, but you will need certain comparable standards to see who is a better man.

  19. Without a doubt BUSH!

  20. AL GORE....................

    HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.................

    BILL CLINTON...................


  21. bush wold have because gore  would have done almost nothing so in my opinion bush

  22. al gore
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