
Who is the biggest terrorist in the world according to you and why ?

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who is the biggest terrorist in the world according to you ?




  1. According to me its George Bush..


    eventhogh sadam made lot of mistakes in his life... but bush overtake sadam by arrested him and killed him...not only sadam he destroyed the whole nation iraq

  2. Zionists like Bush and his band

  3. Bush and Musharraf

  4. Osama Bin Laden is big in many ways. BIG MURDERING SCUMBAG, BIG UGLY LANKY JERK (he is well over 6 feet tall), BIG DRAIN on LAW ENFORCEMENT RESOURCES Worldwide, BIG NARCISSISTIC disturbed fanatic with an UNDESERVING BANKROLL from his now dead but Very Rich Daddy, BIG WASTE OF SKIN and just a downright thorn in the side of all humanity. He will be apprehended one day and in my opinion that day WILL BE THE BIGGEST VICTORY for TERRORISM ADVOCATES EVER!

  5. Iran and North Korea, Israel is getting ready to fix Iran any day now.

  6. Ayatollah Khomeini.  He was the one that began the radicalization of Islam in the 20th Century.  His legacy (Iran) is the main reason we have so many problems that we have today in this world.

  7. Bush.  He let 9/11 happen and hasn't caught the party responsible for it.  You would think it would be Bin Laden for 9/11.  But the FBI doesn't have enough evidence to charge him.  Click on the link below to see his FBI Wanted poster.  You'll see he's not wanted for the attacks on 9/11.

  8. You know the name George Bush will be used by more than me.

    No one man has been responsible for the deaths of innocent people, for interests that are still not clear

    Iran has done nothing but defend its interests

  9. the news media. lies and distortion are greater weapons than bombs.

  10. saddam hussein's sons

    come on, double terrorists.

  11. The Abortion Abolitionist.

  12. I feel Bush is, i know this will bring the thumbs down brigade in but that's my opinion.

    They way he conducts his international affairs is a disgrace. Iraq for one has been his down fall with the illegal invasion, i thought after 1940's Europe & with the UN now in place we had seen the last of states doing such things to other sovereign country's, sadly i was wrong.

    And how he can support the ethnic cleansing of Russian citizens living in South Osettia by The Georgian military without a word of criticism to Georgia is criminal. It amounts to state sponsored terrorism he has armed and backed the Georgians to the hilt !!

  13. Both USA and Israel are struggling hard for this Title. If this is based on the number of killings in the world then no doubt USA is leading with huge huge difference. Some highlights....

    1- Atomic invasion on Nagasaki

    2- Atomic invasion on Hiroshima

    3- Chemical weapons (including Napalm & White Phosphorus) used in Vietnam, Iraq and also reported in Afghanistan.

    4- (Friendly) testing of Nerve Gas in Cambodia.

    5- Criticism on Iran nuclear technology and making a Nuclear and Atomic Power Treaties with other countries (e.g. India, which is against USA 30 years policy to not to provide Atomic Supplies to India) for both civilian and military purposes.

    6- USA Marines: They are famous for killing Civilians on the basis of (1) Security measures (2) Friendly fire (3) just for Fun (4) etc.

    7- World knows the role model Brutality & in-Humanity in the Military jails of USA.

    8- Investigation from persons (which are kidnapped from different Independent countries of the world like Saudi countries, Pakistan etc.). These alleged persons are very often Innocent. They are kept in prisons (under conditions which are a shame for humanity) without letting outer world know about this. When world forget about it or some journalist expose it USA makes funny, unbelievable myths about the alleged person. Recent example is Dr. Aafia of Pakistan who was kidnapped along-with her 3 kids and kept in Afghanistan cell. Where are her children? Who made her mad due to extreme torture?

    9- Who created Taliban? Who helped and aided Taliban and Osama bin Laden in Afghan-Russian war? Who was once at the back end of Saddam Hussein of Iraq and provided him weapons?

    10- Who is using deadly, chemical and mass destruction weapons? Who is committing civil, military and war crimes?

    USA crimes are countless perhaps unlimited. I am not saying that USA citizens are terrorists. It is not fault of USA citizens, in fact they have been kept too busy to know these facts. Governments don't let USA citizens to know the truth. It is duty of USA people to help people of the world live their lives peacefully. Please visit source sites, it would unveil many aspects regarding these issues.

  14. George Bush is the bigger but not the only one. Saddam & sons were certainly terrorists because they terrorized the people of Iraq but never as bad a Bush.

    Khomeini... just an old towelhead, in a parallel universe he might as well been jewish.

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