
Who is the character behind the London incident ? and what America thinks about it............?

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Who is the character behind the London incident ? and what America thinks about it............?




  1. this is who is behind it and what I think of it as one American,this movie shows the truth of it and their future plans,

  2. I assume you are referring to the incident the last week of June 2007 where a car bomb was placed outside the TIGER TIGER night club which can have up to 1700 occupants.  Had it gone off, with lots of ambulances, fire engines, police etc, and cordoned off the area, a second car bomb was set real close by to get the rescuers.  Both were to be setoff by cell phones, but the police defused the bombs first.

    As of the last on the news, the police had arrested six people in connection with the plot and they were looking for some more.  The six people are recent immigrants to Britain from Asia, where the police are covered up in hundreds of leads phoned in by the public every hour, and all kinds of evidence from the 3 cars, including the one that fire at Glasgow Airport, and there was another explosion at a Hospital.  We are not yet hearing much specifics from the police, I think because they not want to tip off other co-conspirators how close the police are on their trail.

    I can't speak for America.  I live here.  I see that America is an extremely diverse nation in culture, backgrounds, opinions.  Feel free to click on my mug shot & see how I have answered other questions.

    In general, I think terrorism is a terrible threat to our free societies, that Britain needed to have learned from the Irish Republican Army that this kind of problem is not solved exclusively by force of Arms ... that is only the first step ... there are many other steps.  They include education, at many levels, to understand why these people hate us so much, then address either their legitimate grievances, or the basis of their conspiracy theories.  

    If we don't solve this problem in a few decades, then the people may forget the freedoms that are being eroded by laws to protect our security, and our grandchildren may never get back the freedoms that our grandparents enjoyed.

  3. Sounds a little fishy if you ask me. Everyone is aware that the issue with Rushdie and Muslims is a sensitive one.  One does not need to add one and one together to know that the knighting would inflame Muslims and radical Muslims alike. So if one was to look at the next sequence, knighthood to protests or indignation to terrorism. Isn't it too obvious?

    Someone or some organizations would like discord to happen and lay blame on radical Islam extremists knowing of the widespread public reaction it could generate and is generating now.

    With all the funding at which these terror cells operate, you think they would allow that bomb not to go off? Iraq had makeshift bombs and all of them worked but why not this? Are we saying that London terror cells are incompetent buffoons or is the public being duped?

    The question now for us is: If those bombs really exploded and no one assumed responsibility for it, not Hezbollah or Al-qaeda. Where would we point our fingers to now? Iran?

  4. The attempted fire bombings in London were perpuatated by several 25-30 year old muslim doctors, who England had invited in and offered a successful means of living.

    They came from Egypt, Iraq, Saudi, India and Lebanon.  As such they can hardly claim to be fighting for freedom in their homelands.  They were offered a better life by the English so they can hardly claim to be disaffected by the system.  They were educated but that does not mean they know how to make bombs or carry out an attack.  Nor does it mean that they cannot be radical.

    This should definitely make certain politicians re-think their position that if we are just 'nice to the terrorists, they will stop trying to kill us.'  Muslims in London have long made known their intent to bite the hand that feeds them.  Then again, so have muslims in NYC.

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