
Who is the current Big Brother HOH?

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I was wondering who won HOH during the swinging challenge




  1. yupyupyup it was dan! i hope he puts up keesha even tho it is prob unlikely... but i hate her.. so here's to hoping!!!

  2. I think it would be funny if Dan would put Jerry up after he called him "Judas".  That was just uncalled for.  So what if Jerry is old, and was in the Marines, he has to go.

  3. Dan won.

  4. Dan. Yay!

  5. Dale won.

  6. If you're talking BB 10 USA Dan won the HOH.

    The final 3 were Dan Ollie & Memphis.No talking going on till after Memphis went down.

    Ollie caved & let Dan take it.Dan told him he would be safe if he goes down & would also keep Michelle safe.He would have Michelle in his corner so took the deal & went down.

    I bet it was a rough HOH to play.

    GREAT job Dan!

    I ♥ Big Brother!!

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