
Who is the cutest Jonas Brother?

by  |  earlier

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I luv Joe!




  1. I love NICK!!!!

  2. That's easy it's DEFIANTLY Joe!!!

  3. none..they ALL are!  

  4. JOE  ( but nick is cute to)

  5. JOE LOL i have JJO(Joe Jonas Obsessed) lol

  6. Ok first of all let me say that anyone whgo even think about the Jonas brothers being cute is a toal 100% freakin loser and a big idiot!!!!! And to answer your question they all *********

  7. me

  8. haha.

    that was a dumb question.


  9. joe all the way  

  10. Nick.

    They're all very cute, but he's like adorable.

  11. Nick, DUH!

  12. I am in love with Nick.:)


  13. joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. here we go again with the Jonas spam

  15. nick

  16. these questions are getting annoying.

    but i still love them...and the answer is joe.  

  17. They are all g*y

  18. LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Nick.. his milk chocolate colored eyes make me melt...

    and his curls are gorgeous..

    have yoou seen his muscles?

    they're not like humongous like some creep.

    but they're no small like a whimp, they're perfect:]

  20. none of theme there all ugly and look like girls :(

  21. omg i luv nick he is so hot


    Will this never end??


    Just search this and see what the answer is

    No need to waste 5 points!

  23. disgusting

    if you actually find them attractive, you might be a little bi

  24. Kevin

  25. My favorite is Kevin Jonas.

    I think he's the most talented, the cutest, and the sweetest.

    But they're all s**y & talented.

  26. JOE OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!! i mean nick is cute but joe is the full package. He's funny and cute and has a great personality

  27. Wow. You know, there are about a thousand other things I could think of that you could be doing with your time, instead of asking these dumb questions. I really don't get you fans at all.

  28. frankie<33

    haha no just kidding

    nick is my favorite

  29. Yeah, I love Joe too.

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