
Who is the favourite to win BB 9 uk?

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Im hoping it's mikey =))




  1. I want kat to win


  2. Mikey is the favourite. I want Kat to win.

  3. i want darnell to win because the others are annoying and if rex wins i will kill myself

  4. DEFO KAT!!!!!!

  5. here are the latest odds....

  6. any one    but    mikey

  7. i really don't like anyone in the house i didn't like anyone from the beginning to be honest this yr bb is really boring to watch but who ever wins gd luck to them answer my question pls :);... oh yea to see mikey win would be great i think he deserves more then anyone else in the house

  8. i honestly dont think anyone DESERVES to win this year, but if i HAD to choose, id say Rachel.



  9. I don't mind who wins once darnell doesn't cos he is really p*****g me off lately, he has done nothing but complain and pick on people for the past couple of weeks and he knows he is hurting people but couldn't even be bothered to apologise.  who does he think he is!! at least rex has the cop on to apologise if he feels he has gone too far. so back to your question (sorry!) anyone but darnell to win!!!  

  10. Mikey eh?  Contrevertial.  I am rooting for Sara, but I think Lisa or Kat will win.

  11. I think Mikey is the fav, but although he has been annoying lately, I'm still hoping Darnell might win ................. anyone but Mo or Rex would do though !!

  12. mikey is favourite at, 6/4.

  13. I can't believe Mikey is favourite, annoying t**t. As long as bogey Mo doesn't win and either Sara or Rex do, i'll be happy.

  14. It's Rachel for me even though I had a bet on Rex early on

  15. Is anybody still actually watching BB these days.

  16. i want lisa 2 win!! =D

  17. im not sure yet ,i agree mikey is genuine.

  18. I know he's a loose cannon but I want Darnell to win, I've never forgotten how he stood up to people after the spitting incident, he's got integrity (not to mention occasional insanity!)

  19. It was in the paper today that Mikey is the favourite

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