
Who is the filipino cosmonaut buried in the moon?

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Who is the filipino cosmonaut buried in the moon?




  1. There is no one buried on the moon, Filipino or otherwise.  I have heard a story about a Filipino having his cremated ashes scattered on the moon, but the only person to actually have this done was Dr. Shoemaker, of the pair who discovered the Shoemaker-Levy comet - he was no Filipino.

  2. Bzzzt.  Wrong answer.

    No human being has ever been buried **IN** the Moon.  However, the astronomer Eugene Shoemaker, after his death, had some of his ashes carried to the moon by the Lunar Prospector probe.  As such, he is credited as being the only person buried **ON** the Moon.  However, he was not a Filipino -- he was an American.

    Only 12 living humans have ever been on the Moon's surface, and all 12 of them returned to Earth alive and safe.

  3. Flon Florgan.

  4. Yeah, except it wasn't a pair that discovered Shoemaker-Levy 9, it was a trio.  And Caroline is still alive.

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