
Who is the first Chinese American Locomotive Engineer in the United States? When? and for which Rail Road?

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Who is the first Chinese American Locomotive Engineer in the United States? When? and for which Rail Road?




  1. You got to be kidding me.  Who do you expect to have an acurate answer to that?  

    Contact the HR for each class I railroad and they'll laugh at you for asking that question.   At best you'll find a guess of someone who'll claim they were without having any type of proof.

  2. I dunno where you'd find an answer to that for sure, but I'd be willing to bet it wasn't all that long ago.  Where I worked for the SP, the first black locomotive engineer was promoted in the early 70's.  Ditto for the first female.

    So, I can say two of my fellow hoggers, Greg Fong and Willie Fong (no relation) were also hired and promoted in the early 70's, right along with me'

    The railroads were never interested in equal opportunity and were slow to integrate, with trainmen and engineer positions reserved exclusively for us white folk, until affirmative action policies and the OEO finally leveled the playing field.

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