
Who is the first president of USA?

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Is it George Washington or Washington George?





  2. George Washington.

  3. George Washington WAS the first president of the US.

  4. George Washington and if he were alive now he'd kick thy a-s-s

  5. The name you refer to is George Washington.  He was a colonel in the Virginia militia during the French and Indian Wars, and was later named by Congress to head the Continental Army.  He was the commander of American forces to whom Lord Cornwallis surrendered in Yorktown.

    As a historical, the first person to legitimately use the title "President of the United States," would be John Hanson.  After the Americans won the War for Independence, the first government they set up was under the Articles of Confederation.  Under that system, Congress held all the power, there was no executive, or any national court system.  So once the Americans sign the peace treaty they transferred the interim war government into what they hoped would be a permanent frame of Government.

    Samuel Huntington was the carry over "president."  Due to ill health Huntington could not serve out the full year term, and so Thomas MacKean was anointed acting "president," until John Hanson was elected, in November of 1783.  John Hanson was the first "president" to serve the full term.  Keep in mind that under the Articles of Confederation the president was essentially the Speaker of the House, who in his spare time did the job of the executive.

  6. George Washington was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and the FIRST president of America.

  7. George Washington lol its what the state Washingtons named after

  8. I suppose you are planning on voting in the next election.  

  9. George Washington

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