
Who is the first prime minister IN THE WORLD?

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Who is the first prime minister IN THE WORLD?




  1. The office of the PM is available only in cabinet form of governemnt. It originated in England. Historically, the monarch's chief minister (if, as was not always the case, any one person could be singled out as such) might have held any of a number of offices: Lord Chancellor, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord High Steward, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Privy Seal, or Secretary of State among others. With the emergence, in the 18th century, of government by a cabinet of these ministers, its head came in time to be called the "Prime Minister", often abbreviated to PM

    The first mention of "Prime Minister" in an official government document occurred during the premiership of Benjamin Disraeli. The title has been used since then in documents, letters and conversation (and, in conversation at least, may have been used before then). In 1905 the title "Prime Minister" was noted in a royal warrant that placed the Prime Minister, mentioned as such, in the order of precedence in Britain immediately after the Archbishop of York. By this time legal recognition of the title seems to have occurred and it was later mentioned in the Chequers Estate Act 1917, and the Ministers of the Crown Act 1937

    For the complete list of British Prime Ministers, see List of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom

    The first Prime Minister (in the modern sense), Robert Walpole, took office in 1721,

  2. Imhotep, of Dynastic Egypt, around the 4th Dynasty when the Great Pyramid was built. He was the worlds first Vizier, what would today be a Prime Minister.

  3. are you clear what are you asking ..

    pls dont ask for the sake of asking..


  4. The first actual usage of the word Prime Minister was used by Cardinal Richelieu in 1624 in France.

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