
Who is the fool that first came up with theidea, that Global Warming, is down to Carbon Emissions?

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Sure ,temperatures are rising,but they have been since the last ice-age melted.Long before we started giving off any carbon.Scientists have long known that variations in the earths orbit and axis,cause temperature rise and fall.So who first decided to blame us humans?




  1. It is such a relief to finally see people challenging the hysteria. If you haven't heard about it yet, be sure to check out the Glenn Beck special on tonight on CNN Headline News at 6:00 and 8:00 and 11:00 PM Central Time Zone. He presents the counterpoints to Global Warming. It promises perspectives you just don't hear in the media these days.

  2. Credit is usually given to a Swedish scientist, Svante Arrhenius, who first calculated the effect of atmospheric CO2 on global temperature around 1896.

    Now, of course, 99+% of scientists around the world are "fools" by your definition.  And any number of very distinguished people, too.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space Command

    Here are two summaries of the mountain of data that convinced Admiral Truly, short and long.

    "There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know - except maybe Newton's second law of dynamics.  Global warming is almost a no-brainer at this point,You really can't find intelligent, quantitative arguments to make it go away."

    Jerry Mahlman, NOAA

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  3. all you need to know

    join the heresy

  4. You need to put things into perspective.

    Temperatures have been rising since the last ice age - that's true.  It's also true that temperatures in the last few decades have risen as much as they did in the 10,000 years prior to industrialisation.  There's two statements there and you will be selective in which you chose to beleive - the first one you'll accept and the second one you'll reject because it doesn't conform to your way of thinking.  Unfortunately your way of thinking doesn't govern the climate of the planet.

    It's also true that variations in the Earth's movement (called Milankovitch Cycles) have some effect on our climate.  Again, the scale of such changes is nowhere near enough to expalin the current rise in temperatures.  Earth naturally goes through ice age cycles at periods of about 100 million years, we're in an ice age now and have been for 50 million years.  Over this time the natural temperature trend caused by movements of the earth and solar variation is one of a change of one degree Celsius per 2.5 million years.

    As for who first decided to blame humans.  Industrialisation started in the late 1700's, in 1811 links between greenhouse gas emissions and global warming were suggested.  In 1896 the science was fully explained.


    To Gene: There are 172 planets and moons in the solar system, 5 of them show signs of warming.  If warming on earth were attributable solely to the sun then all planets and moons should be warming.  167 of them aren't.

    To Kathy:  I've been challenging global warming for 23 years, during that time I've reasearched somewhere literally hundreds of explanations and suggestions, even if there was a compounding of every possible natural variation it would explain less than 10% of the current warming.

    To Mikey:  A suggestion, ask your parents if they remember global cooling back in the 1970's, I bet they don't.  The reason being that it was a minor issue almost exclusively confined to the media.  Global cooling was studied (as it had been before and has been since), there were no predictions of impending ice ages or disasters - if there were then please find the evidence.

    To Johnnie:  It's not so much a case of it's not going to happen, it already is and the evidence can be seen by every person on the planet.  Go to a glacial region two years running and see the effects for yourself, take some air samples two years running and get them analised and see how much levels of greenhouse gases have increased.


    As for the link between global warming and carbon emissions, if you knew any physics or chemistry you'd know precisely what the link is.  To attempt to refute it is to attempt to refute the basic laws of physics.  If there was no link then the planet would be so cold as to be uninhabitable.

  5. As the temperature rises, more CO2 also come out of swolution. The sun is putting out more energy than it did 40 years ago and Mars and Pluto are also warming.. Read here

  6. Temperatures have been rising only since 1912, not since the last ice-age.

    Variations in earth's orbit have long been known to cause ice ages and interglacial periods, but these variations (known as "orbital forcing" or Milankovitch cycles) caused temperatures to peak 6000 years ago, and should have been slowly cooling the planet since then.

    Contributions of the various forcing elements in earth's climate can also be computed, and greenhouse gases are by far the largest contributor to the current rapid rise in temperature.

  7. It is time to tell the GW group it is not going to happen and that the socialist need to get out before we have more Troops killed playing their game.

  8. in one of the april issues of time in 1974 (renowned?) scientist warned of global cooling .  for the best in-site into this scare tactic phenomenon and how the robot (al gore) is trying to destroy capitalism so that his socialistic cronies can take over the world (queen hillary).  watch glenn beck on headline news at 7 or 9 pm on may 2nd.  same channel as nancy grace (usually around channel 26).  you might want to record it.

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