
Who is the foolish person in the world??

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  1. Psalm 14:1

    The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.

  2. Bush and anyone who agrees with him.

  3. The one who 's standard of what is "foolish" is created by the eyes of another person or a God.

  4. G Anyone who expects an unseen, postulated, unproven entity to benefit their life.

  5. yourself

  6. Sometimes Me and sometimes You.

  7. The foolish people in this world are the people who hate for the sake of hating people. The foolish people are the leaders of countries who don't accept other religions, and think that killing others is holy.  

  8. buch.

  9. The ignorant one .

  10. ...i am and when i admit that happier then all of you...

  11. the one who is always feeling happy.

  12. A fool

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