
Who is the future of the usa team

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which rookies are going to be on it in 2012 and 2016 olympice




  1. Greg Oden

    Derrick Rose

    Plus Greg Oden, Kevin Durant, & Rodney Stuckey

  2. Kevin Martin and Kevin Durant

  3. ok. the 2016 olympics will be hard  to predict because thier will be so much new talent in the NBA by then. But for the 2012 it will be....

    Pg- Chris paul

    Sg- kobe

    sf- Lebron

    pf- amare

    C- Dwight Howard



    Deron williams

    Kevin martin


    Micheal beasley

    oj mayo

    gilbert arenas

    OK.. this may seem like its a stupid list but to be fair... lebron dwade and kobe and melo will join because they will have enough in thier tank to do so.  If kidd can do it at 35 and kobe will be almost 34 in 2012 he will do it as well. amare will provide athletisim at the 4. dwight howard provide power and athletisim. he and oden will be a presence to be reckoned with.  chris paul is the next coming of kidd. so he will lead the team. deron williams will be there as well as he can play a combo gaurd. kevin martin is a good shooter and is very quick.  Beasley will be a offensive force at the 4. and he is a powerfull rebounder.  oj mayo is very athletic and can shoot the deep ball decently.  and gilbert arenas will be the zone buster. he has as much range as anybody in the NBA and so the shorter 3 point line will be a cake walk for him. The reason i left k-durant off is he only provides offense and with lebron and kobe and melo and dwade etc. offense is already provided.  I didnt put a defensive specialitst on here because kobe can guard the guards and lebron and amare can take on any body in the front court.

  4. greg oden, i dont see the need for rose with paul and dwill.

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