
Who is the graphic designer that printed a blank article...?

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and said that if the type is invisible, so is your article?

Or something to that effect.

Also did he mean that he felt the interview was boring or not worth the ink?

Any links to sites of this designers work will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!




  1. This guy here talks about that quote:

    Apparently it is David Carson.

    Joe Clark quotes the whole David Carson thing but never sites a source.  It might have come from an interview or it might have come from something in his magazine Ray Gun.

    But, what he's talking about is the fact that the "official rule" of graphic design is that you aren't supposed to notice the graphic design.  But he likes to break that rule, and doesn't think the graphic design is worth doing unless it is SEEN.

    I like that.  I tend to write, as a writer, the same way he refers to his graphic designing.  That is, I like to break all of the rules.  I also find it annoying when someone suggest that you have to learn all the rules before you can break them.

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