
Who is the greatest MMA fighter in the world?

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It's really difficult to come up with anyone better than Fedor. He defeated every world class MMA fighter in the world. The only ones left are Tim Silvia, and Randy Couture...

Greatest striker: Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic. His left leg kick speaks for itself.

Greatest Grappler: ...I have no idea who it is. Matt Hughes defeated Royce Gracie in the ground so........ Fedor Emelianenko has defeated the man who was considered as the godfather of ground and pound. I forgot his name though.

Greatest take down artist: Kevin Randleman's suplex or whatever you wanna call it is just awesome. Karo Parisyan is so good in his Judo. Melvin Guillard is not a seasoned veteran, but he can easily pick up anybody in his weight class. Quinton "Rampage" Jackson's slam is even better than Randleman's suplex!!

MMA's most solid chin: Kazuyuki Fujita. Don't ask....

Most athletic guy in MMA: Melvin Guillard vs. Sean Sherk. Now that would be an interesting match up!

Greatest brawler: Tank Abbott h




  1. Best all around mma fighter in the world ,thats the only one I would agree with you on. Even though he has been out of the lime light for a while , and Anderson Silva is considered best , I think Fedor could beat Silva , Fedor just has that durability and strength that Silva does not.

    Greatest striker: Yeah Mirko lost that crown when he lost to kongo and got cro coped by that ape gonzoga. So I say Anderson Silva by far is the best striker in MMA

    Greatest Grappler? thats a hard one , Id say Demian Mai his Jiu jitsu is something I like to watch.

    Greatest Takedown artists? Josh Koscheck and GSP have the best wrestling abbility , IF you where talking about slams though id give it too Matt hughes and Rampage Jackson

    MMA's most solid chin? I think that crown goes to Mark Hunt for sure.

    Most athletic guy in MMA? GSP takes it hands down , then maybe Sean Sherk but I dunno about that whole steroid is true or not.

    Greatest Brawler? fck tank abbott man , that crown goes To Wanderlie Silva! THe Axe Murdere would destroy almost anyone in a good old fashioned slug fest.

    Beset physique? Sean Sherk , Marvin Eastman , Phill the jackass baroni too has a impressive phyisique

  2. i hate these questions cuz there is no answer so i say me

  3. Until Fedor fights some better opponents i cant give him the best in the world. If he wants some better competition he should really move down to 205 and fight some of the light heavyweights. There is more competition at 205 then there is at heavy weight.

    Most Athletic id have to go with George St Pierre. He is very fast, flexible, elusive, good at almost every aspect of the game.

    Buffest guy in MMA? Brock Lesnar. This guy is huge he had to cut weight to make the 265lb maximum to fight in heavy weight division.

    Greatest physique id have to give it to Cheick Kongo his body is well proportioned not just massive legs

  4. bas rutten

  5. Anderson (the spider) Silva

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