
Who is the greatest cook of all time?

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Who is the greatest cook of all time?




  1. My grandma...=)

  2. MY FATHER is the greatest cook of all time!!!!!!

  3. My mom, unless we are talking meat sauce, then me :-)

  4. my mama !

  5. I think all the moms are cooks!!

  6. My husband. he puts up with my picky, picky tastes.

  7. Emeril...kick it up another notch!!!

  8. mother's coz the are the fist cook who feed us.

  9. It is a matter of personal choice. Your next door neighbor could be your greatest cook if she/he makes your favorite dish with perfection.

    There are so many good cooks and they excel in their individual fields. It's a question of whose specialty you like most.

  10. My most precious Grandma!!!!

  11. mommy ^_^

  12. ALways ones one can ever cook like .your Mother.She prepares,every meal,with love.Even a simple meal is delicous cooked by ones Mother.


  13. My Mom.

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