
Who is the greatest golfer ever (see options below)?

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Jack Nicklaus

Gary Player

Sam Snead

Ben Hogan

Arnold Palmer

No Tiger Woods here and although im a huge fan of his he hasnt done as much as these greats have although i have no doubts that he will surpass all these great players and become the greatest ever.




  1. Ben Hogan

    He suffered a terrible accident that shortened his career and havoced his game.  If he played a full career like tiger and the others he wouldnt be asking this question the answer would be BEN HOGAN!!!

  2. Logically Tiger has one more to catch for the all-time wins list right.  So should that make him the greatest all time, or do you measure him against the all-time major wins?  

    Greatest golfer ever is Nicklaus, only because of his major wins, and what he did off the course as well.  When someone names currency after you, you are a legend.  Nicklaus is a legend, the rest of those guys are great goflers, but not legends.

  3. John Daly.....ROFLMAO...Just thought I would add to the list of idiots that didnt read your question. But seriously, this is a very tough question as all of those guys are great in their own right. I guess to humor you I will say that Nicklaus. All the others certainly contributed to the game but Nicklaus took down Palmer more often than not and really turned the game into a power game and popularized it for television. Yes I know that the old celebrity matches in the late night Golf channel with Palmer and Player are entertaining but the Golden Bear in the seventies made golf exciting. So there you have it and I didnt evoke the name of TW once.

  4. While your list is excellent, Tiger Woods, today, March 26, 2008, has done the most for golf and is the greatest golfer ever to step up to the first tee.  He plays better than anyone has against much stiffer competition.

  5. tiger woods if your talking as of this moment

  6. Thats simple.  Nicklaus.  Hogan was the best ball striker of all time but his career was shortened by injuries and he wasnt a great putter.  Palmer was very good but he's more famous for making the game more popular.  And actually, Jack is the only person on your list with more major wins than Tiger.  And Tiger is ahead of Jacks pace, and he's doing it against better and deeper competition.  Tiger needs just 5 more to tie and he'll get those in the next 2-5 years, meaning he'll match Jacks record by age 34-37.

  7. I don't give a rat's &%$ what your guidelines are, Tiger is the greatest golfer of all time.

  8. Jack Nicklaus is the only one that Tiger measures himself against. So that would be THE answer.  Tiger is the greatest just like a .400 lifetime hitter with only 8 years in would be the greatest in baseball ... compare apples to apples.

  9. How can you forget Lord Byron Nelson??? As for your question golf has made such huge jumps from ben to arnie to jack to tiger. You give Jack a 460cc head titanium driver in 1960 and he might have been the best ever with untouchable wins and majors victories. But my answer is woods no doubt on any given sunday he can/will prevail

  10. I would have to chose option F or Tiger Woods because even though he hasn't played as long as the others he has done a lot more for the game in a shorter amount of time. His win at the last tournament tied Ben Hogan's record and it sure doesn't look like Tiger will quit anytime soon so I stand by Tiger as the best ever even though it wasn't one of your options. 30-40 years ago there was  a lot less competition so the great golfers were about the only golfers that won so victories came more often, that is why Tiger is an exception because he outplays more golfers on a daily basis than anyone in history.

  11. Head to head Tiger would have Crushed anyone on this list.  What do you mean he hasnt done as much?? He is 32 years old and is second all time in majors, third in total wins, and on pace to smash every record ever... Sam Snead?? Really?? Gary Player?? You might have well put Sergio on that list..

  12. You cant ask who the greatest player of all time is and not allow Tiger as an option.  Tiger Woods is and will be the greatest golfer of all time for as long as I can forsee.  On your list, obviously Jack would be the greatest.

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