
Who is the greatest (i.e. evilest) mo-fo in the history of the world?

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...and in the last 100 years?

in the last 50 years?

the last 10 years?




  1. Probably Mao, overall. But the competition is sadly very high.

  2. There are two that are pretty close, and that would be Hitler, and Stalin, with Pol Pot a close third.

  3. last 100 years- Hitler

    Last 50 years- probalby some southeast asia tyrant

    Last 10 years- Bush

  4. d**k Cheney, richard Perle, paul Wolfowitz

  5. hilter

    osama bin ladin

  6. Satan, oops i ment Scientist

  7. That a hard one.

    For the West I would say Attila the Hun.

    Genghis Khan for the rest of the world he did so much damage that he took the Muslims from being the most advanced civilization in the world back to the stones age. That was 700 years ago and they still haven't recovered.

  8. Everyday heroes are more inspirational and memorable.

  9. In history:     Alexander the Great.

    100 years:   Hitler/Stalin/Mao

    50 years:     Pol Pot

    10 years:     No one really stands out in the last 10 years. OBL is infamous but he has only killed  a few thousand. Magabe maybe or Hassan Turabi in Sudan. Saddam or Suharto might qualify, but their worst crimes took place decades ago.

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