
Who is the greatest man in history?

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1. Jesus

2.leonardo da vinci


4.albert einstein

5.abraham lincoln

6.thomas edison


8.charles darwin

9.Martin luther

10.van gogh




  1. Isac Newton the English scientist

  2. Nikola Tesla, I disagree with Jesus being the greatest in man in history.

  3. I can't say that who is the greatest, but I will say that it isn't Thomas Edison. I'm sure it isn't him. Why? Take a quick look, only 5 seconds; literally. Well, Thomas Edison has been trying to make Nikola Tesla look bad. He dislike Nikola Tesla, because Nikola Tesla is smarter than him. Nikola Tesla has been known for "the man who invented the 20th century." The fact is, Thomas Edison didn't invent light bulb, but he improve it. However, he didn't believe in the alternating current(AC), and guess what? Most to every houses in the United States uses AC.

    Edit: If Jesus is a choice, that wouldn't be fair. He's the son of God, of course he should be the greatest. If you not including religion, I'd say Leonardo Da Vinci. He's a genius. He was way ahead of his time, not just in science, but in art, writing, mathematics, etc. He's the most advance man in history. Who could be greater than him? Now, Albert Einstein was a genius. Nikola Tesla was a genius. Bill Gates is a genius. My personally favorite would probably be Leonardo Da Vinci.

  4. father...the ten listed don't even him...

    ...thanks for asking...

  5. 11. Rico

  6. By influence, I would have to say Jesus. 2 billion followers.... d**n.

    By actual use to society, I couldn't say Its a three way tie between da Vinci, Edison and Einstein

  7. I didn't know there were only ten men in history.  Geeze, Hobbes was right: life is brutal and short.

    I guess from these ten I'll have to go with Mozart (for tacky reasons....).  What Robin Williams' character in "Dead Poets Society" says about poetry is true for music.  It's what we stay alive for.  The religious will most likely say Jesus, but even then... isn't that more to die for than to stay alive for?  And just who will play symphonies in heaven without Mozart? =P

  8. 1

  9. leonardo da vinci he,revolutionised the world in many ways

  10. Jesus, hands down. He left the splendor of heaven, a place so beautiful and wonderful that no human can imagine, to live on earth. He did not come as a king’s son or a wealthy merchant; he came as a babe to a barn in Bethlehem. His father was a carpenter and his mother a poor women. He started teaching the elders at a very young age and lived a perfect life. He never cussed, never lamented on his life, and always stuck true to the word. He did lose his temper at one point, but it was a divine anger at the men turning his fathers’ house into a den of thieves. He walked this earth, helped the poor, the sick, the hungry and raised the dead from their slumber. Even when he was enduring the most painful death known to man, crucifixion, he never once cursed the men doing it and said “forgive them father for the know not what they do”  Luke 23:34. I vote him as number one and he will always be so in my book, as we all are in his.

  11. JESUS!

  12. Al Pacino

  13. 1. Jesus

  14. If these are my only choices, then Jesus.

  15. Bobby Fischer!

  16. jesus would only be important to christians.

    most of the planets inhabitants are not of that faith

  17. lol.  Putting Jesus on the list in  interesting.

    What about Muhammed or budha?

    I think hands down, bar non- Chuck NORRIS ALL THE WAY.

    **** YEAH>>



    1.) Jesus and Chuck are pals, unlike you.

    2.)If you look closely at the vitruvian man, the perfect man- you'' see it chuck norris.

    3.) Shakespeare copied down all his c**p from by rubbing a marker over paper over Chuck's *** cheeks...both of them. Of course he chuck didnt do it for free....

    4.) Albert based his understanding of physics from chuck's roundhouse kick

    5.) Now we know who really freed the south? Chuck.

    6.) Edison used chucks chest hair for his exploded. Lucily chuck was there to absorb the blast, unluckily edison was round housed right after,

    7.) Chuck can still hear mozart compose music from the grave

    8.) Darwin based evolution off of chuck....the perfect and final evolution

    9.) Martin  came up with 100. Chuck only needed one.

    10.) Van goh cut his ear off as an offering to chuck after beholding his awesomness.

    and more...

    If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.  

      There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.  

       Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song.  

      Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.  

      Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay's potato chip.  

      Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you.  

      Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.  

      Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.

  18. jesus

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