
Who is the greatest snooker player to pick up a snooker cue?

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was it joedavis or was it stevedavis or stephenhendry WHO DO THINK IT IS?




  1. Of the modern age you've got to go with Hendry as his record proves it but the greatest cueist of all time was undoubtedly Walter Lindrum.

  2. Ronnie O'Sullivan...Alex Higgins or Jimmy White!

  3. the whirlwind on talent. but hendry on concentration

  4. Joe Davies.

  5. Stevie D.

  6. Alex Higgins

  7. Ronnie O'Sullivan for raw talent and Stephen Hendry is the greatest ever winner. My Dad said Alex Higgins was something very special too.

  8. Ronnie O'Sullivan, scoring a 147 in 5 minutes take some doing. And he can play left handed just to show off!

  9. Jimmy White or Alex Higgins

  10. Steve Davis, and he keeps trying.

  11. Joe Davis the greatest...Stephen Hendry a close 2nd....but i liked Cliff Thorburn,  and Alex  hurricane Higgins was the most exciting player to watch....

  12. Mr. Donald Playmore Chump

    I would say Hendry,If thats your choices

    Or Higgins if not

  13. Joe Davis. The best, because he encouraged all the others.

  14. Fred Davis

  15. Jimmy White hands down.. no one can do what he has done for the game...

  16. It has to be Alex Higgins,  aside from Jimmy White,  the rest have no heart,  dull.

  17. steve davis in his prime

  18. My dad

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