
Who is the highest paid rugby player in the world?

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I know Matt Giteau makes apparently $1.5 million American per year for playing with the Force. Is he the highest paid player excluding endorsements? Where does Dan Carter, Gavin Henson, and Frederic Michalak rank on the list?




  1. It'd be Giteau I'd say.  He doesn't earn US$1.5 million a season as has been posted above, he was recently the first Aussie player to break AU$1 million salary

    If Wilkinson is getting paid the sort of coin that's been suggested on here, then someone is feeling very ripped off ;-)

    "hotsurfie", you know nothing about rugby union, in fact you hate the game:

    "Rugby is 4 sissys, its slow,soft and painfully boring 2 watch. The only thing NFL players would find hard about it is 2 get used 2 the bullshi.t rules. Rugby league on the other hand they would find hard. Fittness and physical wise and the speed of the game"

    "My over guess is that every1 is just 2 scared to play league so the homos like wilkison played somthing easier called kick and clap"

    (His spelling, not mine)

    Stick to the rugby league questions pal. Why do you bother to post any answers at all in here?

    Have a look at this link to an answer he posted recently folks:

    Or this question he posted - this will make your day, I laughed so much I almost fell out of my chair!!!

  2. I am the highest paid player!!

  3. WILKINSON he a english legend

  4. Leaving out sponsorship money and advertising, the highest paid rugby player is Carl Hayman the NZ prop. He is paid £330,000 a year, Newcastle Falcons and their sponsor Northern Rock are splitting the bill.

  5. gavin henson probably gets his money for modellying adn clothes and stufff

  6. Matt Giteau  is twice the player Wilkison will eva be so i dont now how the h**l he could get more money then him and Tuquri.

  7. It's Giteau, he makes a million and a half a year.  Dan Carter makes much less because he's signed on an NZ contract, which don't pay as well

  8. Not too sure where those guys fit in but Giteau is no longer the highest paid.  The very annoying Johnny Wilkinson is.  He gets paid 1 million american in match payments for his club together with his english/british lions payments, sponsorships etc etc .. I think that figure for giteau is inflated and includes sponsor payments.  The second highest paid Wallaby is Lote Tiquiri

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