
Who is the iraq civil war between

by Guest65400  |  earlier

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Who is the iraq civil war between




  1. The Sunnis and the Shites. And America is caught in the crossfire.

  2. republicans and democrats

  3. The Kurds on north and The Sunnis and the Shites all over the country beside that turkish army attacked east-north to clash the Kurds

    "And America is caught in the crossfire" as Fingolfin said    

  4. There is no civil war.

  5. Mostly between Shiite and Sunni militias, but things have calmed down a bit between them. Most of the fighting now is from foreign fighters that travel to Iraq to try and kill US troops or martyr themselves in the process.  

  6. There is no civil war in Iraq.  What gave you that idea?  Insurgency is the only conflict that is going on there.  And they are from other neighboring states in the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and whoever else that enjoys blowing up Iraqi children.  

  7. At this point in time there is no civil war in Iraq but if one were to start it would be primarily a three way with the Sunni and Shitte fighting the most and the Kurds in the north either staying out and trying to form a completely independent country or probably supporting the Shiites in exchange for gettingindependence.  The Sunni were the favored group under Saddm Hussien and the Kurds have a long memory over what was done to them so most likely would not support the Sunni in any case.  Other smaller ethnic groups could get involved but being smaller would be less of a factor then the three major groups, you have Turkomen and Chaldean which are two of the larger groups and they have their own problems with the Kurds (Turkomen) and both Sunni and Shitte (Chaldeans who are mostly Christians).  So if and when a civil war starts it will not be a two sided affair but multifacetted and that dos not even look at the possible Turkish involvement (they do not want an independent Kurd nation), Iran (who would back the Shiite) and Syria (who would back the Sunni to keep Iran off their border).

  8. Yours is a leading question.  It assumes that there is an ongoing civil war.  I think you have been letting Democrats blow smoke up your nose.  There is no war...against anyone.  Muslim crazies who like to kill cannot be stopped.  See Israel.

  9. There is no (and never has been) a civil war in Iraq.

    Most of the violence in Iraq has been either conducted by or supported by outside extremists.

    All the talk of 'civil war' is partisan political BS.

  10. Sunnis vs Shiite militias.

    Ask anyone who has helped train the Iraqi army and Iraqi police and we can tell you.  When we would run mission in a shiite neighborhood, the Sunni guys would be raring to go and the shiites would not want to go.  When we would go to Sunni neighborhoods, the shiites would be ready and the sunni guys would be hesitant to go.  

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