
Who is the legal owner of an abandoned building?

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Today I explored an abandoned sports centre. Upon whose land am I tresspassing?




  1. Whoever has the deed. Your local tax office should be able to tell you who the building belongs to.

  2. The bank that holds the loan

  3. most likely the local councils but it could also belong to a company the only way to find out is to search the land registry (which costs money)

  4. Who ever abandoned it, so the company that owned the sports centre. After a certain amount of time, if no-one claims ownership, then it becomes council property.

  5. It will be the freeholder or leaseholder and possibly if it was a sports centre the local authority could own the site.  

  6. Whom has abandoned it. If it is not being used it is still under someones name. After 5 years of The owner not coming forth, the council can take possesion of the building

  7. You'd have to find that out thru Land Registry, contact your Council for details.

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