
Who is the most annoying person you have EVER met and why where they annoying?

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just curious :)




  1. For me, it's a coworker named Stuart.  He drives everyone nuts.  He has a serious case of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).  He reminds me a lot of Tony Shaloub as Adrian Monk in "Monk."  Not only would he give Mr. Monk a run for his money (if you watch the show, you would know adrian wouldn't have any to spare anyway, but that's beside the issue), Stuart probably surpasses him.   Not only this, he tells people his business to both customers and employees stuff that no one wants to hear.  2nd to last, he tells us all about things that would know one either knows what hes talking about nor cares to talk about.  Finally, I sum it all up by calling it "Nosyness in reverse.  Instead of asking you about your business, he gives you his business whether you want it or not!

  2. Ok, I changed my answer because I realized I know more annoying people than I want to know.

    Yeah, there's an annoying person at my job who ignorantly says, "What?" after you say something simple like, "hello" or "good bye". It's like they want you to reconfirm your act of grattitude, like, "are you sure you want to be saying that to me. Do you know who I am"

    Completely ignorant, rude person who I just dont like.

  3. You; because you posted this stupid question.

  4. This girl named Al. She wouldn't give me my space, she annoyed all of my friends. She was sweet at first but then she was just un original. Definitely a copycat. I used to buy ugly clothing for her to just copy what I got then I'd go back and return it for what I really wanted. I hate when people copy me. Like I said before none of my friends liked her because she thought they were her friends too. She would try to be all up in their business and hang out with them. It was just sad.

    She would always try to take credit for things I wanted to do anyway. Like I always wanted a tattoo, and I finally got one and she went around telling everybody that it was her idea for me to get one! GGRRR that made me so angry because I always wanted a tattoo and she and I would talk for hours about what kind of tattoo's we were gonna get. Like I said I don't like un original people and she was one.  

  5. this girl melissa f. she has red pouffy hair and is really weird. and all her friends (and herslef)  are annoying. also, she was in 8th grade and she raced this kid to the cafeteria for lunch, hit her knee on a brick wall, and limped into lunch. what do you think of that?  

  6. This girl, who's my "locker partner" (a locker partner is just someone who is above or below your locker). She is also in my English class. She acts like she just entered nursery school! She reads super slow ON PURPOSE, and then in will stumble over words like "the" and "of". In the halls, she spreads all of her stuff out behind her, so no one can get to their locker, and people trip over it.

    She also has some insane cackle that she thinks is just adorable.

    BUT, the worst part is, every guy seems to like her....... weird... o.O

  7. sara-she is a backstabber,fake, rather stare at a blank wall than look at her fake *** face.thats how much she annoys me and i work with her!!!

  8. this person who used to my best friend (we were forced together because of our family). She was such a double standard. She said at the beginning of the school year that she hated "preppy" (slang for popular, wears abercrombie and listen to miley Cyrus/ jonas brothers at our school) people and I was just kind of neutral on it. She was very nice, thoughtful, polite and was kind of self confident. Then she started acting like a brat, being quite rude to everyone, leaving all her old friends for ones who just talked about her behind her back, and being completely egotistical because she became "a prep" (I don't like labels but it's harder to describe what she became without one). I don't care if she is "a prep" I care that she hurt all her friends (including me) just so she could lose her POV  and be friends with people who didn't even like her. I feel bad for her most of all but it's also quite annoying to talk with her.  

  9. For me, it was a coworker who had a crush on me.  He would come up to me any opportunity he got, and give off copious amounts of what I call "verbal diarrhea".  He loved to brag about himself as well, and he had no social skills.  What was even more incredible was his blatant disregard for the fact that I hated his guts.

  10. A girl in my class, who acts like she's 6 years old. She thinks it's so cute when she talks like a child, but seriously...I just want to slap the c**p out of her. Oh oh oh, and she boasts too. OMG. It's like...please...just shut up. -.-;

  11. I worked with a girl who would smile, act really friendly.  Then, she would excuse herself, go into the boss' office, and tell him that I was not doing my job properly, didn't act right to others, yada, yada, yada.

    When she'd filled his ear with all the nasty things I supposedly did, she'd come back into our office, act friendly some more.  Just waiting for the boss to come in and find a way to punish me.

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