
Who is the most boastful fan on this football forum?

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You may think he or she shames your own club.

This is out of my hands. You the fans will decide as this is going to a vote. So: Who do you think is Yahoo! Answers "boaster extraordinaire"?

And why do you think that they do this?

Please submit your answers.





  2. Not me, nothing to brag about......yet!!

  3. Chelsea fans.

    Uranob outdoes any individual though; of any club.

  4. me

  5. that nasty giggs man

  6. Even though I am a TC, I am new to this section but have already seen loads of losers who give their clubs a bad name. There are so many Manchester United fans on here than are complete idiots-Chelsea fans too. Not only do they give their clubs a bad name but they also give their respectable fans one too.


    Giggs007(or something like that)

    and a few Spurs fans come to mind.

    I haven't come accross any from supporters from my club (Villa) yet but I am sure I will come accross someone who brings complete shame on us and our club!

    Sections and forums such as these are magnets for childish, narrow-minded fans, It is something that unfortunately us decent fans have to put up with!

    Star and a new fan for you!!

  7. me....................


  9. if you are solely referring to bragging after a win, i would opt for one of the younger female liverpool fans, or "the problem"

    i find it very flattering that urapenishead copies everything i do, the question asked for one user, you just had to follow suit, have you no  ideas of your own, you never take it on the chin i have never once seen you on here after liverpool get beaten, thats because you are a coward and you cant face up to the abuse, i've told you apologise or bugger off this site, 5 thumbs up for MAN U obviously i'm not the only person who thinks you are a complete prick, and please report this so i know you've read it.

    its great to educate a thick scouser, it was neil ruddock who started making fun of "manu " i have called them that all my life and don't find it the slightest bit  offensive.

    why are you clutching at straws i've already told you i have closed that account, and everyone can see there is no movement on it, i tried to remain annoymous but you made it your business to tell everyone who i am, i am really not interested in carrying on this childish exchange, which you consider to be locking horns, let me tell you son if you were old enough and i got an opportunity to lock horns with you, well enough said.

    and while i'm at it this site is not a quiz, so stop polluting it with S****y quiz questions about the history of liverpool.

  10. all the mancs that disappear when they get beat

    edit how do you mean copy you  and who do you think you are telling me to get off this site do you own it lol all you own is your caravan and as for man u i thought all you mancs hated that saying haha yes once again another plastic manc that knows nout about their team lmfao

    oh yes you not bothered about losing that account are you with all your others so tell us what are you saving your ronaldo account for??

  11. It's not me, i've got nothing to brag about.

  12. Blue B.

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