
Who is the most corrupted, our Indian citizen or our politician.?

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Who is the most corrupted, our Indian citizen or our politician.?




  1. As Indian citizen have to participated in corruption  as our politician made a situation that for a job done citizen has to give money.according to me indian politician are most corrupted. i think the world richest man is not bill gates but unknown indian politician who have billions in swiss bank.

  2. On the subject of corruption, one can say that Politicians are at delivering end & Citizens at receiving end. Citizens have to participate in corruption due to survival (get the job done) before politicians, Govt officers, clerks etc.

  3. Both are equally corrupted.

    You can not blemm only one.

  4. Politician

  5. your question not proper because our politician are Indian citizen first and then politician.

    to compare bureaucrats and politician, bureaucrats are corrupted rather then politician because of their large population.

  6. It is the Indian Citizens. Politicians don't drop from the sky. They come from the general public. If people become honest, the politicians will automatically become honest.

    It is not the poverty alone responsible for corruption. It is the greed for easy-money which is responsible for corruption along with poverty, poor sense of morality and work-ethics and lack of love for work.

  7. Politicians but then we can blame the Indian citizens for electing them.We silently elect them on the basis [ or should I say "bias " ]of religion ,communal bias or because they are powerful enough to kill the minority communities ruthlessly and get away with it.

    A good and honest politician is rare phenomenon and if they do exist then they are quickly removed from their seat to prevent their popularity with the masses getting less votes for the govt of the state or at the centre,e.g.APG Abul Kalam.

  8. Both

  9. Problem educated ppl have to come forward for their rights when they face a situation ... but they dont ... which helps these b******s.

  10. It is a vicious circle. Yatha raja thatha prja is true. Yatha praja thatha raja- is also equally true. When the polity went out of control, the people should rise against the corrupting influence on the polity. And the public go wrong, an ideal leader should bravely lead the people away from the wrong the path. If both the players compromise, the result is all round corruption. That is what we see in India. A corrupt political leadership and a complacent public which has accepted corruption as a way of life.

  11. Both are corrupt. Because the people elect the corrupt politician, on the basis of money or cast. Leader shoud educate the people and lead them to the right way. Now leaders are sailing along with people, who give more impartance to person rather than nation. They go by caste, creed and money.

  12. Leader lead the people thy set the examples before their followers,they can teach the lesson which they want to teach.

    Now presently money is ever thing for people,which drag in to corruption.

    Most responsible are leaders.


  13. Population,Poverty are key reasons for making both as corrupt. its just not the question of who is.... but why it is...

    i think u get the answer.

  14. Ofcource politicians are corrupted but Indian Citizens are responsible for this as we dont have proper awareness, we are always in hurry to get the work done, we never complaint against corruption,  

    There should be a force, a positive force which can creat revolution, look at Gujjars for only 5% quota, they fought (I must say very well), are we from general catagory can fight with this kind of force against quota system (doctors of AIMS they only needs to fought for that?). It really surprise me when people fight and win for bad begger kind of quota system and good educated people are still sleeping.

    Majority of uneducated people vote and decides politicians and at the end we elect same corrupted politician again and again and again. Please note that there r really rare political like Mr. Modi of Gujarat (my political ideal), he also told that awareness of general public is also require.

    So politicians are corrupted but responsible is general public.

  15. Citizens are generally ignorant due to lack of information available to them. While politicians are corrupt. They take advantage of people's ignorance.

  16. The main problem starts with the citizens due to their selfishness and their desire to be on top.  In our country, there are very poor people as well as very rich people.  People are attracted to the richness and the power of money which rich people enjoy.  This leads to breaking of rules.  Indian people are very much interested in breaking rules.  Whenever they caught in doing wrong they take shelter of politicians who are cheaters by birth.  Using their powers these politicians influence the authorities who are selfish.  So, where is root neither the citizen, politician nor authorities, but this vast gap between rich and poor in our country.

  17. close competition

    politicians are not citizens

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