
Who is the most evil person you have ever known and why?

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Who is the most evil person you have ever known and why?




  1. Me, because i once washing machined a cat and video taped it on my cell phone 2 show to my friends.

  2. The one with evil intent and motive....

    Since it is the intent that counts mostly ...

  3. My ex from my first serious relationship.He took advantage of me,stole thousands of quid and told malicious things about me to my parents and tried to kill me. HE is the one I hate more in the world.I would be pleased to swim in his blood (now I'm evil I know,but the hatred is mature inside me)

  4. Known personally?

      A neighbour who tried to poison my dogs(and failed luckily).I know for sure it was him but can't prove it to the police.

      When I'm ready I will make him pay.

  5. my aunts ex he tried to lock me and my cousin and him in a room and rape us until my aunt unlocked the door from the out side

  6. the family member who molested me in childhood

  7. Can't name names here but a man I let into my heart and he setabout dismantling it bit by bit with games and lies.  He had a power and he misused it....not just over me others too. Sometimes would se a really evil look comeover him when he knew he had won or had manipulated.

  8. them next door they have done evil things to me and blame me and use people against me and i am sick of it and i am getting evicted

  9. Never knew him, but Idi Amin should fit the bill!!!

  10. My flatmate who i am currently living with

    He writes nasty messages and leaves them on both his and my friends profile pages on line

    He cuts himself and accuses my boyfriend and his friends of beating him up

    His behaviour shattered my confidence and I ended up breaking down in the street

    My family considered taking legal action against him as I feel unsafe and scared in my own home

  11. pretzel head bush, never known 1 man 2 start 3 wars- pure evil if ever there was!

  12. think Hitler and all the other tyrants that have tried to rule the world

  13. A woman i knew who tortured and abused her child and had him taken into care, only to go on to have more children and abuse them too. Some things in life are so wrong.

  14. My boyfriends ex wife. Shes just so nasty and bitter. Shes lied, cheated and constantly emotionally abuses her children.

    She'll do almost anything to get her own way, at the expense of everyone elses happiness. All in all a very sad person, who deserves all she gets.

  15. Next door neighbours in the last town we lived in. They were supposed to be mormons and according to their 'creed' were supposed to be good people. Well I got news for you, don't trust a mormon. It will only bring you trouble and grief.They caused us and their other neighbour a lot of trouble and when they moved I was elated, only to find out another one of "them" moved next door.

    PS: I do not dislike all the mormons. Just the two faced ones.

    Then again it is not because of the religious factor. I find that this happens with all people be they religious or not. That's life I guess.

    I'm not anti religious I live my life and let others live their life. I really get hurt when they hurt me because I do not belong to any religious group.

  16. My ex boyfriend. He strung me along and i found out he was dating another co-worker and moved her in. They both ganged up on me and i had to leave the job i loved because people found out what happened and it got out of hand. I was depressed for a long time for what he did to me,he even proposed but i also found out he proposed to her too. I'm over it but i still hope he will get hit by a bus or something.

  17. Satan coz he always try to  fights aganist de Lord!

  18. I had to work with this girl, not only would she press her b***s in every mans face, includeing your husband, or point out every little flaw in your apperance, or rub in the loss of your beloved dog. on top of all that she would brag how she stole a childs favorite stuffed animal and thew it out, because she thought it was to messy for church.... now thats evil

    and then tells every one how spiritual and goddly she is ....what a crock

  19. Myself because I think mean things about people sometimes and then I'll go out of my way to be nice to them.And I always wonder if I'm being hypocritical or if my niceness is an act to disguise my dislike and if it is why don't I just come clean so we can clear the air.It's not right cause the person probably feels you're as thick as thieves but inside you're holding back so I don't know-it's just not nice to lie to people.

  20. a woman i had the mis-fortune to work alongside. she tried to pull rank on me when i had 15 years experience over her. when i didnt capitulate she went tattle tail to my! boss.  whats so S****y is were both from the same estate and the same religion (were from belfast). she is a fuc'kin w***e and i hope her and her kids die in pain.  i've never screwed anybody over even if they were different to me.  because of her i will never allow another woman to work with me.

  21. The most evil person is always the same .

    The one who hates and envy everyone!! , you can find them everyday round the corner!!

  22. uhhhhhhhhhh tha devil


  24. It is someone who thoroughly enjoys intimidating and degrading others and promoting themselves as being of superior intellect, with no tolerance for anyone that does not illude to them as their superior. Power Freaks, Control Freaks. Nauseating and transparent. With no respect or reverence for anything but affluence, wealth, power.

  25. Of cos it is me and my EGO!

    I am successful and luxury by destroying countless of people's life in my path to success.

    Today, they are still suffering in life because I constantly check mate them to prevent them to turn me back for what I did in the past.

    That's my confession...and that's me! haha...You do too, don't you? LOL!

  26. The people I used to hang out with who now look down on me because I'm not a Junkie or into drugs like them...

  27. Two people;

    1. My next door neighbor. He lived 10 years next door to me. He was a stupid, angry, uneducated redneck. He was h**l. He moved away last year! Yea!!

    2. My former supervisor at work. He was my supervisor for 5 years, kept trying to get me fired, he ended up getting demoted from what he did to me. He also moved away last year! He was in my life for 15 years.

    Again, yea!!

  28. My ex boss and used to be good friend. She is never happier than when causing trouble between people. Took me a long time and a lot of heartache before I believed what everyone was telling me. Luckily the people she was trying to influence could read her better than me. I left the job ,kept the rest of my friends and only lost contact with her. She is now very lonely and I almost feel sorry for her.

  29. Take your pick Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mugabi. All are dealers in genocide.

  30. surely george bush,for the torture and mass destruction,and trying to destroy the human race.

  31. I think I am the most evil person I know. If I got inside the head of all the people around me, I think I would change my mind.

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